Chapter 28: Boyfriend Part 1

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Dorm room

"Well Stella, I hope you've learned a valuable lesson yesterday" said James.

"I sure did and I'm also very glad to hand the crown back to my father!" said Stella happily.

"Good because we've got work to do, we still need to find a way to undo the invisibility spell surrounding Cloud tower" said Tecna.

"With all the books we've collected, it's time to see what they've got. Let's head down to my classroom shall we?" asked Daphne.

In Daphne's classroom, Stella's already throwing lots of books aside, after just a few minutes. According to her, everything was useless. None of the books that she's read so far had anything that could counter an invisibility spell as big as the one surrounding Cloud tower.

"Nope! Out! Zip! Nuh uh! Zilch! There's nothing here that explains how to make Cloud tower visible again!" said Stella as she continued going through the books using magic.

"It's ok Stella.......just take it easy please......" said Bloom as she tried to calm her friend down.

"If it comes down to it, I may have to start concocting a potion for the job. An entire bottle of it should do the trick" said James as he read a book manually.

"If it would help, I'll go and look for the ingredients. They all grow in nature after all and I can reach out to them" said Flora.

"Unfortunately that's the problem, we're too late. The season's changed and all available ingredients are gone. The few of the ones that are still available......who knows where they are now, they're certainly not in nature anymore" said James.

"Well....there's still that book that Tecna found in the Solaria library" said Daphne as some of the books floated towards her.

"And I've been talking with Timmy who's looking for a techno-magic solution" said Tecna.

While Stella got distracted by a fashion book, James just sighed and let go of the book he was reading. It soon floated away to rejoin the others.

"Sorry, got distracted. But anyways, I just can't stand the thought of those witches getting one step ahead of us! We need answers now! One would think that a book about invisibility spells would exist but noooooo, next!" said Stella as she violently went through more books.

"Stella! Take it easy!" shouted James, Bloom and Daphne as they avoided the books.

"The books are out of control!" shouted Aisha as she joined the others in avoiding the crazed books.

"Every guy would say to me, 'What a lucky guy you are, getting to attend an all girls school and they're all beautiful fairies. And so are you James, especially in your enchantix', next time I hear that from any man.....I'll show them this scenario!" shouted James as he grabbed a few books and tried calming them down.

"Ooh hang on, I might have something here!" said Stella who was unaware of what was going on.

"Seriously Stella, take it easy! You're making the books angry!" shouted Bloom.

"..............Woah, you're not kidding. I didn't mean to make them so upset, hang on. Sunlight stillness!" said Stella as her spell soon calmed the books down.

"About time..........." sighed James as he walked towards his two sisters.

"Now what?" asked Musa sadly.

"Oh Musa, I'm also not sure. It's times like these when...............oh yeah" said James suddenly.

"What?" asked Bloom as she and Daphne moved closer.

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