Chapter 41: Sushi

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It's the next day already and it's been hours since both James and Sunset began asking people if whether they've seen the memory stone anywhere.

Right now it was 6 pm and the duo were back at Sunset's house. They needed a break but Sunset was also getting worried, what if they couldn't find the memory stone at all?

"Don't worry Sunset, we'll keep looking. The stone can't be hidden forever" said James.

"I know James, it's much longer can I go on like this? It's slowly driving me crazy" said Sunset.

"Don't give up, Twilight is also doing her best on the other side. While she's finding a way to restore everyone's memories, we've got to do our part first. Now then, are you absolutely certain that Trixie is the one who has the memory stone?" asked James.

"If not her, I don't know who else to think of" said Sunset with a sigh.

"Well let's not think about it too hard, we'll find out tomorrow if Trixie really is the one behind all of this. For now, how about some dinner?" asked James.

"Sure but let's go out for that. I enjoy you cooking things but I do miss other foods as well" said Sunset.

"Alright then, you're the expert here. So lead the way!" said James.


"Wow, so this world also knows sushi! And you say you work here?" asked James.

"Yup and so we've got a discount. But enough about that, what would you like?" asked Sunset.

"Hmm..........I don't know really, everything looks nice. You're the expert, I'll leave it to you" said James.

"Alright then!" said Sunset as she called the waiter over and ordered something.

"What did you order?" asked James when he saw the grin on Sunset's face.

"The super deluxe!" said Sunset.

James immediately opened his wallet and a fly came out of it. There was also a paperclip and a pair of Bloom's underwear in it.

"I wonder if the owner will accept this underwear as payment, if not I'll just give mine. I haven't washed it yet" said James.

"Don't worry, this one is on the house! Since I am employee of the month! At least everyone here still remembers that......." said Sunset with a small smile as she looked around.

"Well, that's good at least" said James with a smile.

"How do you do it James? How do you handle the pain? The pain that I'm experiencing?" asked Sunset.

"Well........I'll be honest with you Sunset, it's......never easy. Let me offer you...some advice. Yes, it hurts. It's a feeling I know all too well, well enough that I can tell if someone else is experiencing it. As for how to deal with it, there really is no easy answer to that because everyone is different. I'd like to tell you that you can just forget about it but......we all know it's not that easy, nor is it the right answer either" said James as he became serious.

"So what should I do?" asked Sunset.

"Here's what I would do, I take all this pain......I squeeze it up into a little ball....and then I make it part of myself. Maybe it's because of what I had to go through so it may not work for you....but in my book, experience is everything. I take my pain as experience, it allows me to understand what people are going through. Two, it allows me to clearly see the situation, whatever it may be. And three, it also allows me to come up with a solution to that problem quickly, unlike before when I was caught off guard and didn't know what to do. The more you know and understand things, a whole lot of opportunities will open up to you. It will then be your turn to lend a helping hand because you now have that knowledge and experience. Haven't you ever had something like that before?" asked James with a smile and an extended hand.

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