Final chapter: Unity

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Back in the real world, Selina immediately rushed to Bloom's side. She couldn't believe how bad the situation had gotten, this was way beyond what she had expected.

"This is all my fault! Everything........." said Selina.

"Selina, I have an idea" said Bloom.

"What is it?" asked Selina.

"I'm going after Acheron and James. And while I'm in there, I'm certain that Rumpelstiltskin will want Acheron over the Legendarium key" said Bloom.

"But how are you going to do that? There's no way Acheron would just willingly turn himself in like that" said Selina.

"I'll use the infinity box! If it can trap anything, it can certainly trap Acheron!" said Bloom.

"But what can I do?" asked Selina.

"Be ready to lock the book once I get the key, now stand back!" said Bloom as she brought out her mythix wand.

Legendarium world

James and Acheron were hitting each other, throwing spells at each other and really just doing everything and anything they could to win. Seeing a chance, James grabbed the sides of Acheron's outfit on his shoulders and threw him into some nearby rocks with a rage filled yell.

"You lied to me, you changed my parents' memories of me, you did all that just to ensure you could use me in the future!" said James.

"I did what I had to do, you may not really be my son but I still see you as such. Have the fairies really changed I ask you?! I chose you because you had the exact same feelings as me! You still carry them deep down and you can't deny it! Deep down you know you have the power to bring all fairies under your rule! You also have the authority to command them and you do!" yelled Acheron as he once again clashed with James.

"I may have the authority but the difference here is that I don't abuse it! I don't instruct or tell the fairies to go do something embarrassing or go kill themselves!!" yelled James as she blasted Acheron on the chest.

"If you're not going to use your power, then hand it over to me!!" yelled Acheron as his eyes glowed.

Charging up energies in both hands, James and Acheron soon collided with each other and a shockwave erupted throughout Rumpelstiltskin's world.

Bloom soon arrived and she arrived in time to see James and Acheron duking it out with each other. Every magical blast that James fired, Acheron either avoided it or redirected it away. Every punch or magical blast that Acheron threw her way, James would either redirect it, block it or take them head on since they couldn't be avoided.

"The Legendarium world is my domain! It is my creation, you don't stand a chance in here James!" shouted Acheron.

"That won't stop me from giving it my all!" retorted James as she continued trying to overpower Acheron.

"And she's not alone!!" shouted Bloom as she blasted Acheron away from James.

"Bloom!" hissed Acheron as he put on the brakes.

"Bloom? You should be out there helping the others with that monster!" said James.

"The last time I left you alone, things went badly. I'm staying!" said Bloom as she flew towards Acheron.

"Wait, don't be a fool!!" yelled James with wide eyes.

Bloom and Acheron's magical blasts soon collided with each other but that didn't stop Acheron from closing the gap between him and his new opponent.

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