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11:32 a.m
[Unknown]: holy shit

[Cheryl]: ugh and i was actually enjoying my morning for once

[Unknown]: i'm sorry for last night i never drink but i was with my only two friends for the first time in a while and they made me text a random number and i am so sorry

[Cheryl]: that's a fun sob story but i'm not sure why you're still trying to converse with me

[Unknown]: i'm not, i was explaining why i was acting like such a douchebag last night.

[Cheryl]: ok well good to know

[Cheryl]: carry on with your life

[Unknown]: byeeeee

4:56 p.m
[Unknown]: you know what's weird

[Cheryl]: please no

[Unknown]: the way i see certain colors could be completely different than the way you see certain colors

[Unknown]: like my pink could look like your yellow

[Cheryl]: uh

[Cheryl]: ok

[Unknown]: isn't that wild

[Cheryl]: you want to know what's really wild

[Unknown]: sure

[Cheryl]: why you're still texting me

[Unknown]: i'm trying to prove to you that i'm not a jerk

[Cheryl]: you are doing a shitty job of that

[Unknown]: i personally think that i'm doing a wonderful job

[Cheryl]: i personally think that you should leave me alone

[Unknown]: i personally think that you should let me chat with you

[Cheryl]: i'm going to go douse myself in kerosene then stand really close to an open flame so you have fun talking to yourself

[Unknown]: have fun lighting yourself on fire

11:09 p.m
[Unknown]: hey you know what

[Cheryl]: oh my god

[Unknown]: you could be a 75 year old man

[Unknown]: that's crazy

[Cheryl]: i mean technically so could you

[Unknown]: but i'm not

[Cheryl]: i don't have to believe you

[Unknown]: no you don't

[Cheryl]: ok well now i'm severely uncomfortable


3:04 a.m
[Cheryl]: what's your name

[Unknown]: why do you suddenly care

[Cheryl]: because i want to make sure that you're not a 75 year old man

[Unknown]: well

[Unknown]: here's the thing

[Cheryl]: i'm feeling uncomfortable again

[Unknown]: i go by my nickname because i hate my real name and my nickname happens to be one that is commonly a guys name

[Cheryl]: are you serious

[Unknown]: as serious as a life threatening disease

[Cheryl]: ok so what is your name

[Unknown]: toni

("Cheryl" changed "Unknown" 's name to "Toni")

[Toni]: can i know your name

[Cheryl]: you know suddenly i am suuuuper tired

[Toni]: so that's how it's gonna be

[Cheryl]: g'night toni

[Toni]: night stranger

a/n: ha this chapter was exactly 420 words

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