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schoolin buds
11:28 a.m
[Veronica💋]: happy first day of summer bitches

[Kevin🔦]: i'm so glad junior year is done

[Veronica💋]: same

[Betty✨]: i'm already stressed about senior year

[Veronica💋]: it's literally the first day of summer

[Betty✨]: i literally know

[Veronica💋]: has anyone ever told you that you're annoying

[Betty✨]: yeah a few times

[Veronica💋]: well i'm gonna say it again

[Veronica💋]: you're annoying

[Jughead🙄]: have you ever considered that maybe you're the annoying one?

[Veronica💋]: have you ever considered that maybe no one likes you

[Kevin🔦]: BURN

[Cheryl🍒]: i'm bored already

[Kevin🔦]: are you with toni by any chance

[Cheryl🍒]: she's taking her daily fall asleep on my arm until i loose feeling in it nap

[Betty✨]: why is she so tired all the time

[Cheryl🍒]: being pretty is tiring

[Kevin🔦]: AW

[Kevin🔦]: cuties

[Cheryl🍒]: jesus christ the dog needs to go out

[Veronica💋]: looks like you're gonna have to move toni

[Cheryl🍒]: absolutely not

[Cheryl🍒]: ok well maybe

[Kevin🔦]: good luck

[Cheryl🍒]: i moved her without waking her up successfully and let the dog out

[Toni🐍]: i want to get a cat

[Kevin🔦]: looks like you didn't move her successfully

[Cheryl🍒]: no way

[Veronica💋]: get a cat

[Toni🐍]: we're gonna get a cat

[Cheryl🍒]: no we're not

[Toni🐍]: yes we are

[Cheryl🍒]: antoinette celine we are not getting a cat

[Toni🐍]: cheryl marjorie yes we are

[Betty✨]: toni your name is so pretty

[Toni🐍]: thank you i hate it

[Veronica💋]: i will now be accepting bets on if they get a cat or not

[Kevin🔦]: my entire life savings says they do

[Betty✨]: $78.43 they don't

[Veronica💋]: ok so we have 25 cents from kevin and $78.43 from betty

[Kevin🔦]: oh wow 25 cents

[Kevin🔦]: you generously overestimated how much money i have

[Veronica💋]: i'm nice like that

[Veronica💋]: stay tuned for more details

1:39 p.m
[Toni🐍]: so there was no cat

[Betty✨]: alright i win

[Toni🐍]: however we are currently en route to the ER

[Kevin🔦]: excuse me

[Veronica💋]: what???

[Toni🐍]: well apparently home girl isn't too good at remembering to drink water and it's real warm out today so she just passed out while we were in the center of town

[Toni🐍]: and she managed to cut her chin open on the curb while doing so

[Veronica💋]: oh god

[Toni🐍]: ambulances are weird

[Kevin🔦]: ambulance??

[Toni🐍]: well yeah she needs stitches in her chin and she also passed out so

[Kevin🔦]: she's dumb

[Toni🐍]: she's conscious now and won't stop crying about how her chin hurts and i feel bad but she kinda had this coming for not drinking water on a day where it's about 981 degrees

[Veronica💋]: send her my get well wishes

[Toni🐍]: will do

4:12 p.m
[Toni🐍]: we're home!!

[Toni🐍]: cheryl has many stitches in her chin and has learned her lesson about not hydrating

[Cheryl🍒]: i'm stupid

[Veronica💋]: yeah you are

[Toni🐍]: hey don't call her stupid

[Veronica💋]: i was just agreeing with what she said???

[Toni🐍]: that's not an excuse to call her stupid

[Veronica💋]: ok sorry

[Toni🐍]: you better be

[Cheryl🍒]: it's ok t i am stupid

[Toni🐍]: i know you are

[Veronica💋]: logic?????? what??????

[Cheryl🍒]: toni is allowed to call me stupid

[Cheryl🍒]: toni

[Cheryl🍒]: psssst

[Cheryl🍒]: t o n i

[Cheryl🍒]: antoinette

[Cheryl🍒]: toni

[Toni🐍]: can i ever shower in peace

[Kevin🔦]: probably not

[Veronica💋]: hi kevin

[Kevin🔦]: hi

[Toni🐍]: what do you want cheryl

[Cheryl🍒]: i'm lonely

[Toni🐍]: you'd be less lonely if we got a cat

[Cheryl🍒]: are you done with your shower yet

[Toni🐍]: i haven't even gotten in the shower yet since you wouldn't stop texting me

[Cheryl🍒]: good here i come

[Toni🐍]: o-oh

[Kevin🔦]: and suddenly i remember why i avoid this groupchat

[Veronica💋]: why are you guys so horny all the time

[Veronica💋]: that was a rhetorical question please don't answer it

[Kevin🔦]: they're probably a little too busy to answer right now

[Veronica💋]: i just gagged

[Veronica💋]: hold on i have a perfect name for this chat

"Veronica💋" changed the group name to "choni can't control their urges"

[Veronica💋]: perfect

[Kevin🔦]: it's the best this group has ever looked

[Veronica💋]: agreed

a/n: writing these chapters makes me so sad because i know that this story has to come to an end soon but at the same time it makes me happy because i enjoy updating for all of you wonderful people. please love this even though it's bad

if you're having a bad day, here's an octopus
he wants to tell you that he loves you and that you matter <3

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