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7:10 a.m
[Toni🐍]: good morning

[Toni🐍]: happy friday

[Toni🐍]: i have to go to work now but we will chat later

[Toni🐍]: ok bye

9:56 a.m
[Toni🐍]: are you sleeping

[Toni🐍]: if so please wake up i want to talk

[Toni🐍]: i'm bored

12:44 p.m
[Toni🐍]: ok now i'm worried

[Toni🐍]: i shouldn't be because i'm sure you're just doing something without your phone but i'm overprotective

[Toni🐍]: ok text me as soon as you can

3:19 p.m
[Toni🐍]: now i'm very worried

[Toni🐍]: just text me that you're ok please i'm frightened
3:20 p.m
[Toni🐍]: was cheryl at school today

[Kevin🔦]: we had the day off so no

[Toni🐍]: fuck i forgot about that

[Kevin🔦]: why

[Toni🐍]: i've been sending her texts all day and she hasn't responded to any of them and that is very much not like her

[Toni🐍]: and she's posted nothing on her instagram which again is not like her

[Kevin🔦]: that's weird

[Kevin🔦]: did she tell you that she was doing anything today?

[Toni🐍]: not really she just said that she was gonna come over after i was done working but i was done an hour ago and i still haven't heard from her

[Kevin🔦]: i really don't know

[Toni🐍]: i'm gonna go look for her

[Toni🐍]: is there any place you know that she would go if something was wrong

[Kevin🔦]: maybe sweetwater river

[Kevin🔦]: it's the last place she saw her brother alive

[Toni🐍]: ok thank you i'll check there first

[Kevin🔦]: update me if you find her

[Toni🐍]: will do
The temperatures were dropping with the sun as Toni sped through the streets of Riverdale in a desperate attempt to find her girlfriend. Speed limits weren't a thing in her mind. If any cop were to see her she'd surely get a ticket. But she could care less about that.

Toni finally pulled up to the walkway that led down to Sweetwater River when it was nearing 4. She left her bike and ran down the walkway calling Cheryl's name while trying not to cry. Crying wouldn't get her anywhere. The pathway was long and by the time Toni reached the end of it she was out of breath from running. She scanned the shore for Cheryl's red hair and breathed a sigh of relief when she spotted the girl sitting on a large rock by the water's edge. Toni jogged over to the spot.

"Cher?" Toni asked gently. Cheryl jumped lightly. She hadn't heard Toni. She turned to look at her, and Toni felt her heart break. Cheryl's eyes were red and puffy, and there were tear tracks streaming down her cheeks. She had her knees tucked up to her chest and her whole body seemed to be shaking.

"Oh my god," Toni mumbled, slipping her Serpent jacket off and placing it on Cheryl's shoulders. She helped Cheryl up and led her back to her bike. Toni brought her to Fangs's trailer where she had been living and sat her down on her bed. It took around n30 minutes for Cheryl's body temperature to return to normal.

"They found out," Cheryl mumbled quietly. Toni ceased her pointless Instagram scrolling when she heard Cheryl speak.

"Who found out what?" the serpent asked. Cheryl looked up from her hands. She was crying again.

"My parents, they found out about us," she cried.

"What happened?" Toni questioned.

"They-they screamed at me a-and said that I-I was a disappointment a-and that if they e-ver saw us together t-they would kill y-you and then me," Cheryl sobbed. Toni immediately pulled Cheryl in and Cheryl clung to Toni with everything she had. Cheryl cried for a while before she was finally able to pull herself away from Toni.

"I'm sorry I'm such a mess," Cheryl sighed. Toni reached up and gently wiped the remainder of Cheryl's tears away with her thumb.

"You're not a mess," she reassured.

"I don't want my parents to hurt you," the red head continued. Toni could see the worry in her girlfriend's eyes.

"I'm a Serpent, remember? I can handle it. And if they try to hurt you, they'll have to get through me first," Toni said. Cheryl gave her a small smile before laying down with her head in Toni's lap.

"You're my hero," was the last thing Cheryl mumbled before she fell asleep. Toni kissed the red head's forehead before responding to the many texts she had received from her friends.

                            schoolin buds
5:47 p.m
[Kevin🔦]: have you found her yet toni

[Veronica💋]: found who

[Kevin🔦]: cheryl is missing

[Veronica💋]: jesus christ

[Betty✨]: that's not good

[Kevin🔦]: toni went out looking for her a while ago

[Kevin🔦]: i'm hoping her lack of response means that she found cheryl alive

[Toni🐍]: i found her

[Veronica💋]: thank god

[Veronica💋]: where was she

[Toni🐍]: sweetwater river

[Toni🐍]: her parents found out about our relationship and threatened both of us so i'm assuming she ran since she was scared

[Kevin🔦]: stupid homophobes

[Toni🐍]: she was freezing when i found her but i brought her to a safe place and she's currently sleeping

[Betty✨]: you really are the best thing that's ever happened to her

[Kevin🔦]: agreed

[Veronica💋]: she's her happiest when she's with you

[Toni🐍]: well i'm glad

[Kevin🔦]: good thing you guys met over text and not in person because she's so much meaner in person

[Kevin🔦]: i still love her tho

[Veronica💋]: yeah but a lot of that comes from her asshole family

[Kevin🔦]: true

[Toni🐍]: i just noticed how beautiful she is when she sleeps

[Toni🐍]: geez how can anybody look that good while they sleep

[Veronica💋]: i'm so fucking single and it hurts

8:31 p.m
[Kevin🔦]: how is she now

[Toni🐍]: well she suddenly left for a little bit and then came back and told me that she had taken care of things with her family and that we didn't have to worry about them anymore

[Toni🐍]: she said she only encouraged them nicely but knowing cheryl that's not true

[Kevin🔦]: it really is not true

[Toni🐍]: i asked her if she was feeling better and she said much better and then fell asleep again so maybe she is

[Kevin🔦]: toni i give you an A+ for girlfriend skills

[Toni🐍]: thank you?

[Kevin🔦]: you're welcome

a/n: sometimes i wonder how many of you have read my fifth harmony fics from my other account and don't know that it's me

anyway this is garbage so let's just pretend that this part doesn't exist. k byeeeeee love u❤️

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