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8:24 p.m
[Cheryl🍒]: i am on my way

[Toni🐍]: i will continue to wait
Cheryl's hands were shaking as she drove to Pop's. It was ridiculous, she never got nervous. Besides, she didn't even like Toni. At all. In the slightest bit. She continued to tell herself that until she had parked the car at Pop's. She took a deep breath before getting out and walking into Pop's.

Right away, Cheryl knew that she had dug herself into a deep, deep hole. What she thought was just a crush had clearly turned into something more. Just looking at Toni in person made it difficult for her to breathe. Cheryl regained her composure and slid into the seat across from Toni.

"Toni," Cheryl said.

"Cheryl," Toni replied. Hearing Toni say her name almost caused Cheryl's heart to stop beating.

"Good to know you're really who you say you are," Cheryl commented.

"Did you think that I wasn't?" Toni questioned. Cheryl was struggling to keep eye contact. This tiny girl was making Cheryl the most flustered she had ever been around anyone.

"Irrelevant, stop distracting me. I came here to talk about why I hate the Serpents," Cheryl scolded. Toni laughed lightly but let Cheryl start talking. Cheryl ran through the whole story. Starting with the last few days Jason was still alive and ending with her father hanging himself. She could feel the tears burning at the back of her eyes but she wasn't going to cry, not in front of Toni.

Cheryl's hands were resting on the table when Toni reached across and slipped her own hand into one of Cheryl's and she felt like passing out.

"I'm not going to say I'm sorry, because that's dumb and does nothing, but I will say that my heart is breaking for you and that I will always be here if you need to talk," the Serpent reassured. Cheryl felt herself almost start crying for the second time that night.
choni but minus cheryl and toni
8:57 p.m
[Veronica💋]: t e a

[Jughead🙄]: can you stop saying tea

[Veronica💋]: i will as soon as you stop being annoying

[Veronica💋]: anyway

[Veronica💋]: i just showed up for my shift at pop's

[Veronica💋]: and i spotted some ladies we know

[Kevin🔦]: omfg

[Kevin🔦]: no

[Veronica💋]: YES

[Betty✨]: i'm trying to do my english homework

[Archie❌]: try hard

[Veronica💋]: GUYS CHONI

[Archie❌]: what

[Veronica💋]: cheryl + toni = choni

[Kevin🔦]: archie please keep up

[Jughead🙄]: why're you texting about cheryl when she's in this chat

[Veronica💋]: hello are you blind read the name of this chat

[Veronica💋]: even if we were using our normal one she wouldn't have time to check her phone with how much she's staring at toni

[Veronica💋]: 😍

[Veronica💋]: that's her right now

[Jughead🙄]: shouldn't you be doing your job

[Veronica💋]: reporting about choni is my job

[Jughead🙄]: i mean the job that you actually get paid to do

[Veronica💋]: choni pays in happiness

[Betty✨]: you're so weird

[Veronica💋]: go back to studying

[Veronica💋]: kevin i need back up

[Kevin🔦]: i'm here

[Veronica💋]: hi how are you

[Veronica💋]: have a pineapple🍍

[Kevin🔦]: we stan a generous queen

[Veronica💋]: oh well now i have to go because apparently i need to "be doing my job" so byeeeeee

[Kevin🔦]: bye
Cheryl and Toni sat and talked until Veronica (after watching them creepily for two hours) told them they needed to go so they could seat other people. Cheryl followed Toni outside after flipping Veronica off. They stopped at Toni's bike, which was a few parking spots away from Cheryl's car.

"You drive that? Like, actually?" Cheryl questioned. Toni grinned and nodded.

"You like?" she questioned.

"I fear. I fear a lot," Cheryl replied, and Toni laughed. Cheryl felt her insides turn to mush. Toni was so much more beautiful in person. Cheryl could see every perfect detail of her face clearer than she ever had before.

"Well thanks for hanging with me," Toni said with a smile.

"Thanks for letting me rant to you, I never get to do that," Cheryl admitted. Toni's face fell slightly at the comment.

"Hey, you know you can always talk to me about anything," she said seriously. Cheryl gave a small smile.

"I know," she said. Toni then opened her arms for Cheryl, and she gladly took the invitation for a hug. Toni was small, but just being in her embrace made Cheryl feel . . . safe, almost. As Cheryl was pulling back from the hug, she made the decision to kiss Toni on the cheek. She smirked to herself as she turned to walk to her car, because she could see Toni blushing.

Cheryl's had taken two steps towards her car when she felt a hand on her arm. She turned around, slightly confused. But she didn't have enough time to worry, because within .5 seconds of Cheryl turning around, Toni had her hands on Cheryl's face and was kissing her.

It took a second to register with Cheryl what was actually occurring. But when it did finally click with her that she was kissing the girl that she liked, she kissed back. It was brief, but when Toni pulled back, Cheryl's entire body was tingling. She stood there, star struck. Toni smirked up at her.

"I'll see you around," she said before putting on her helmet. Cheryl just turned and walked back to her car. She felt like she was floating. On her drive home, she decided that kissing Toni was something she needed to do more often.

a/n: i am DONE having feelings because i just get hurt and ugh no one is ever going to date me and i'm gonna be lonely and sad forever🙃🙃 anyway i hope you're having a great day here's cute choni to make your day better if it was bad💕

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