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schoolin buds
2:33 p.m

[Betty✨]: i'm tired of this abuse

[Betty✨]: i won't stand for it anymore

[Veronica💋]: you'll be fine

[Jughead🙄]: every time you say that it means you want us to do something dumb with you

[Veronica💋]: you are correct my dear boy

[Veronica💋]: there's a party that someone from the southside invited me to

[Veronica💋]: it'll be chill and i want everyone to come

[Archie🤢]: i'm in

[Reggie❌]: me too

[Betty✨]: why not

[Jughead🙄]: no thanks

[Kevin🔦]: i'm only going if choni is going

[Veronica💋]: OH CHONI

[Veronica💋]: TONI

[Veronica💋]: CHERYL


[Toni🐍]: what do you want i'm too lazy to read the last texts

[Veronica💋]: will you come partying with us tonight

[Toni🐍]: no can do

[Toni🐍]: it's date night

[Cheryl🍒]: we're going on our first formal date

[Cheryl🍒]: we have a reservation and everything

[Veronica💋]: ugh lame

[Kevin🔦]: guess i'm not going

[Veronica💋]: eh less lame

[Kevin🔦]: toni can i come on your date so i can see what it's like to be LOVED

[Toni🐍]: sorry nope

[Betty✨]: wow kevin is gettin rejected by everyone

[Kevin🔦]: this is what my life has come to

[Kevin🔦]: getting rejected by the gays

[Kevin🔦]: being hated by the straights

[Toni🐍]: fat mood

[Kevin🔦]: i guess i'll just go cry

[Veronica💋]: have fun

[Kevin🔦]: i will

6:57 p.m
[Veronica💋]: wait who's our designated driver

[Betty✨]: not me

[Archie🤢]: nope

[Reggie❌]: definitely not

[Veronica💋]: so we're screwed

[Cheryl🍒]: you could ask kevin

[Kevin🔦]: oooo sorry i would but i'm super busy tonight crying myself to sleep and having fun while doing so

[Veronica💋]: i will pay you

[Kevin🔦]: if you're not paying in love and affection then i don't want it

[Veronica💋]: your secret love interest will be there and if you go to be our driver you could see him

[Toni🐍]: your WHAT

[Toni🐍]: kevin has a WHAT

[Kevin🔦]: seriously veronica

[Veronica💋]: not sorry

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