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serpent gayng + sweet pea
9:34 a.m
[Toni🐍]: guys

[Fangs🔫]: what

[Sweet Pea🌱]: am i going to care

[Toni🐍]: probably not

[Toni🐍]: anyway

[Toni🐍]: do you remember that random number you made me text like a week and a half ago

[Fangs🔫]: vaguely

[Sweet Pea🌱]: i try not to

[Toni🐍]: fuck off

[Toni🐍]: ok so we've actually been talking since the whole random number text thing and she's hands down the prettiest girl i've ever seen in my entire life

[Fangs🔫]: that's cute

[Toni🐍]: and she sent me the picture of her like three days ago and it's all that i can think about

[Sweet Pea🌱]: what does she look like

[Toni🐍]: imagine a red headed angel

[Fangs🔫]: i almost puked that was so fucking disgusting but cute at the same time

[Toni🐍]: i stg this girl is the most attractive thing on this planet

[Toni🐍]: oof she texted me ok gtg bye

[Fangs🔫]: bye tiny
[Cheryl🍒]: hey toni

[Toni🐍]: yes cherry

[Cheryl🍒]: what was your first girlfriend like

[Toni🐍]: jesus that was a long time ago

[Toni🐍]: i was probably 12 or 13 which means that the whole relationship was stupid and childish

[Toni🐍]: why do you ask

[Cheryl🍒]: well

[Cheryl🍒]: i've never had a real actual girlfriend

[Cheryl🍒]: and i have my eye on someone so i need to be prepared

[Cheryl🍒]: in case i decide to make a move

[Toni🐍]: you need to stop sending sporadic texts

[Toni🐍]: i'm sure that if you do make a move that the girl you are speaking about would be ecstatic

[Toni🐍]: so r e l a x

[Cheryl🍒]: ok i'm breathing and relaxing

[Cheryl🍒]: thank you toni

[Toni🐍]: anytime

serpent gayng + sweet pea

[Toni🐍]: welp

[Fangs🔫]: what

[Toni🐍]: she just texted me and asked me what my first girl relationship was so i told her and asked why and she said that she had her eye on someone

[Sweet Pea🌱]: lmao

[Toni🐍]: why is that funny

[Fangs🔫]: no reason

[Toni🐍]: fuck both of you i'm literally trying to live my life and you make me feel stupid

[Sweet Pea🌱]: suck it up

[Toni🐍]: this is cyberbullying

[Fangs🔫]: oh well

a/n: my day was disappointing then good then sad then happy then very happy then nervous then bad then really bad then ok then bad again and then very good so overall it was a rollercoaster day

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