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7:56 a.m
[Kevin🔦]: you like her

[Veronica💋]: good morning to you too

[Kevin🔦]: you like her and it's so obvious

[Veronica💋]: i know i like my girlfriend thank you for reminding me

[Kevin🔦]: you can act stupid all you want but i know that you know what i'm talking about

[Veronica💋]: i honestly don't know what you're talking about

[Kevin🔦]: i HonEstLy dOnT kNoW wHaT yOu'Re tAlKinG aBoUt

[Kevin🔦]: it's so obvious veronica

[Veronica💋]: i know you probably think this is funny but it's not so stop accusing me of whatever it is you're accusing me of

[Kevin🔦]: you know exactly what i'm talking about

[Veronica💋]: i don't

[Veronica💋]: so leave me alone

[Kevin🔦]: whatever you say

schoolin buds
8:33 a.m
[Toni🐍]: does anyone want to hear a fun fact

[Cheryl🍒]: no

[Cheryl🍒]: no one does

[Toni🐍]: as my girlfriend you're supposed to support my fun facts

[Cheryl🍒]: i'll support you in many things but i can't support your random fun facts

[Kevin🔦]: i'll support your fun facts

[Toni🐍]: thank you

[Toni🐍]: homosexuality was still classified as an illness in sweden in 1979

[Toni🐍]: people used to say that they couldn't go to work because they were feeling gay

[Kevin🔦]: i'm gonna start using that excuse to miss class

[Kevin🔦]: "sorry principle weatherbee i was late to 12 classes this week because i was feeling extremely gay"

[Toni🐍]: see cheryl was that a bad fact

[Cheryl🍒]: yes

[Cheryl🍒]: that is not valuable information to me at all

[Toni🐍]: you're acting like you've never told me random information that i literally have no use for

[Cheryl🍒]: i haven't

[Toni🐍]: you told me your bra size on our second date

[Toni🐍]: did i need to know that?

[Toni🐍]: absolutely not

[Toni🐍]: do i know it?

[Toni🐍]: you bet i do

[Kevin🔦]: cheryl why would you tell toni your bra size

[Kevin🔦]: i want to hear how this conversation started

[Toni🐍]: there was a really awkward silence because we were running out of things to say and all of a sudden she just blurted out "i'm a 34b"

[Cheryl🍒]: not my proudest moment

[Toni🐍]: it was cute

[Toni🐍]: you were so nervous

[Kevin🔦]: so cute it's actually disgusting

[Cheryl🍒]: i'd like to pretend that the weeks leading up to our first date didn't happen because i was an absolute mess

[Toni🐍]: i wish i could've seen it

[Cheryl🍒]: it wasn't pretty

[Toni🐍]: you're pretty

[Cheryl🍒]: no u

[Kevin🔦]: wow my heart just clenched this is insane

[Toni🐍]: where is veronica on this day

[Kevin🔦]: no clue

[Kevin🔦]: hiding maybe

[Kevin🔦]: oh well now i must go because my insane aunt is visiting and she wants to see me

[Cheryl🍒]: cute have fun

[Kevin🔦]: i won't
8:47 a.m
[Kevin🔦]: i was having a wonderful chat with choni and of course you made me lie so i can come and get physically assaulted by you

[Kevin🔦]: what is so urgent

[Veronica💋]: i know i'm still in that group i can read every message

[Veronica💋]: but um

[Veronica💋]: i thought about what you said

[Veronica💋]: and there may be a very small amount of truth to the statement

[Kevin🔦]: I KNEW IT

[Kevin🔦]: wow that is so unfortunate

[Kevin🔦]: she's in love with toni this is not good for you


[Kevin🔦]: ok ok sorry

[Kevin🔦]: when did you realize these feelings

[Veronica💋]: remember when i went to her house when her and toni were on their break

[Kevin🔦]: ye

[Veronica💋]: well she fell asleep with her head on my lap and the more i looked at her the more my stomach did that thing

[Veronica💋]: you know what i mean

[Veronica💋]: with the stomach thing

[Kevin🔦]: i am familiar

[Veronica💋]: i don't like lose sleep over this it's just a minor inconvenience

[Kevin🔦]: this really sucks v

[Veronica💋]: i know

[Kevin🔦]: good

a/n: god what am i even DOING with this story anymore this is so badddddddd. anyway i'm currently working on a new story that i'm very excited for, would anyone be interested in reading it?

i'm also kind of curious as to how old you guys think i am, that is if i didn't already tell it at some point in this book lmao. drop your guesses if you care to, i'm interested.


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