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        choni can't control their urges
6:12 a.m
[Kevin🔦]: happy first day of senior year!!!

[Toni🐍]: shut the hell up

[Kevin🔦]: you're so mean toni it really hurts my soul

[Toni🐍]: it's way too fucking early and i'm so ready to be done with this bullshit

[Kevin🔦]: you are so violent

[Cheryl🍒]: good morning

[Toni🐍]: good morning baby how are you how did you sleep

[Kevin🔦]: of course you're soft for cheryl and only cheryl

[Cheryl🍒]: i am ok but i slept very badly

[Toni🐍]: :((((

[Cheryl🍒]: i'm so sleepy

[Toni🐍]: it's a well known fact that girls who say sleepy instead of tired have a daddy kink

[Kevin🔦]: where are you getting your information

[Toni🐍]: reliable twitter sources

[Cheryl🍒]: you should already know that toni

[Kevin🔦]: i wish i could unsee that

8:17 a.m
[Kevin🔦]: VERONICA

[Veronica💋]: what have i done that you already need to scream my name at me


[Cheryl🍒]: she did WHAT

[Betty✨]: reggie????

[Veronica💋]: you're all so LOUD

[Veronica💋]: ok

[Veronica💋]: reggie and i may have gone on a few dates over the summer

[Veronica💋]: and i may or may not be his girlfriend now

[Kevin🔦]: what is it with you people and keeping secrets

[Cheryl🍒]: but reggie is so

[Cheryl🍒]: male

[Veronica💋]: i'm bisexual sweetie

[Cheryl🍒]: i know but the thought of boys is so gross to me it shocks me that other people will date them

[Betty✨]: isn't reggie like a huge asshole

[Veronica💋]: well that's what i thought originally but he's actually really sweet

[Cheryl🍒]: i guess if you're happy i'll learn to like him

[Kevin🔦]: i won't like him but i'll pretend to

[Betty✨]: i make no promises

[Veronica💋]: you guys are so kind

[Veronica💋]: i want to go on double dates now that i'm in a relationship again

[Toni🐍]: not with us

[Cheryl🍒]: that pig isn't going anywhere near me or toni

[Kevin🔦]: i mean i'll ask fangs but i'm sure he'll say no

[Kevin🔦]: and i also say no so

[Betty✨]: maybe

[Veronica💋]: i don't want to be that close to jughead

[Kevin🔦]: who would

[Betty✨]: i hate you all

12:09 p.m
[Veronica💋]: KEVIN

[Kevin🔦]: VERONICA

[Veronica💋]: have you seen tiny the elf

[Veronica💋]: oops i meant toni

[Veronica💋]: crazy mistake

[Kevin🔦]: no i have not seen her recently

[Veronica💋]: has anyone seen our small friend

[Betty✨]: not since first period

[Archie🤢]: nope

[Jughead🙄]: i haven't seen her

[Veronica💋]: she's not answering cheryl's texts and she's having a small freak out about it

[Veronica💋]: and by small i mean large

[Kevin🔦]: she probably got in trouble already

[Betty✨]: do you have a low opinion of serpents or something

[Kevin🔦]: i'm literally dating a serpent

[Kevin🔦]: all i'm saying is that she has the tendency to get herself in trouble

[Kevin🔦]: you are so uptight

[Veronica💋]: well if she's not in trouble yet she definitely is now

[Kevin🔦]: what happened

[Veronica💋]: she just finished pounding chuck's face in

[Kevin🔦]: it's the first day of school

[Kevin🔦]: i just want one normal day with you people

[Veronica💋]: cheryl and toni are both acting like children right now so this is fun

[Veronica💋]: we're heading to the principal's office

[Veronica💋]: i love my life

[Kevin🔦]: it sounds like you do

2:16 p.m
[Toni🐍]: this is why i don't go to school

[Toni🐍]: chuck had it coming

[Kevin🔦]: explain

[Toni🐍]: it's like him and reggie got the brains of chickens

[Toni🐍]: i was just trying to get to lunch and he was saying nasty things to me and i gave him a chance to move before i killed him and he didn't

[Toni🐍]: i did what i had to

[Toni🐍]: nobody says bad things about cheryl and gets away with it

[Toni🐍]: and now i'm suspended for a week and chuck got nothing but i'm sure i broke his nose or cracked his skull or something like that

[Cheryl🍒]: isn't she so charming

[Cheryl🍒]: i've always dreamed of having a girlfriend who will punch people in the face for me

[Cheryl🍒]: now i have one

[Toni🐍]: i'll only punch people for you bby

[Cheryl🍒]: 🥰

[Kevin🔦]: i don't think this is how normal couples interact

[Toni🐍]: who said we were normal

[Kevin🔦]: fair point

a/n: a bitch is TIRED i'm ready for summer. i hope you like this, i'm gonna go study for finals for probably the rest of my life😴 have a good dayyyyy💕

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