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                         secret mission
11:19 a.m
[Toni🐍]: welcome everyone

[Kevin🔦]: why am i here

[Fangs🔫]: i'm asking the same thing

[Kevin🔦]: oh hey

[Fangs🔫]: oh hi

[Veronica💋]: i don't know what just went down but i'm gonna ignore it and also ask why i'm here

[Sweet Pea🌱]: i'm just gonna ignore this whole thing

[Toni🐍]: i need all of your help

[Fangs🔫]: why

[Toni🐍]: it involves cheryl

[Sweet Pea🌱]: of course it does

[Veronica💋]: oooooo what're we doing for cheryl

[Toni🐍]: so obviously i was sick last night so we couldn't go to the dance and she acted like she didn't care but i know she was bummed out

[Veronica💋]: she definitely was

[Kevin🔦]: helpful input as always veronica

[Veronica💋]: i try

[Toni🐍]: ok so i want to make it up to her by like making a dance for her

[Toni🐍]: like at the whyte wyrm or something

[Veronica💋]: that is SO CUTE

[Kevin🔦]: she would love that

[Fangs🔫]: i can convince FP to close early on friday so you can have the wyrm

[Toni🐍]: that would be so great

[Sweet Pea🌱]: i'll help with that part

[Veronica💋]: CAN I DJ

[Toni🐍]: sure just don't pick any bad songs

[Veronica💋]: i would never

[Kevin🔦]: can i be the cheryl distraction team

[Toni🐍]: yes ok i have a plan now

[Kevin🔦]: let's hear it

[Toni🐍]: i'll tell cheryl i'm working all night friday so i can't hang with her

[Toni🐍]: then kevin tell her you're gonna hang out and go somewhere fancy for dinner and she can wear that dress she got for the dance

[Kevin🔦]: i will do that

[Toni🐍]: then you bring her here and BOOM surprise pulled off

[Veronica💋]: this is going to be amazing

[Veronica💋]: i love you for this toni

[Toni🐍]: i love me for this too

[Kevin🔦]: i'm gonna go ask cheryl if she's free just to make sure

[Toni🐍]: good idea

three amigays
11:31 a.m
[Kevin🔦]: cheryl what're you doing friday

[Cheryl🍒]: being antisocial

[Cheryl🍒]: why

[Kevin🔦]: well not anymore you're not

[Cheryl🍒]: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what's happening

[Kevin🔦]: my dad wants me to go out and stop "wasting my youth" so he gave me many dollars to go have dinner at a fancy restaurant and you're coming

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