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                        bomb shelter
9:38 a.m
[Kevin🔦]: welcome to our new group chat

[Betty✨]: it's literally just me you jug and archie

[Kevin🔦]: yes it's sad i know

[Archie🤢]: why is it called bomb shelter

[Kevin🔦]: because the other group chat would be like a nuclear war zone if anyone texted in it

[Kevin🔦]: so this is where we are sheltering until cheryl stops being mad at veronica and toni stops being mad at cheryl and veronica stops being mad at toni

[Betty✨]: when will that be

[Kevin🔦]: maybe never

[Betty✨]: oh good

[Kevin🔦]: i will go investigate with each of them and report back here
9:40 a.m
[Kevin🔦]: heeeeeey champ

[Kevin🔦]: how're you holding up

[Cheryl🍒]: well toni hates me and i want veronica to fall off the face of the earth

[Cheryl🍒]: so not very well

[Kevin🔦]: i'm sorry that all of this happened to you

[Cheryl🍒]: i did not kiss her kevin

[Cheryl🍒]: i pretty much blacked out at that point and *she* kissed *me*

[Kevin🔦]: i know

[Cheryl🍒]: i miss toni

[Kevin🔦]: do you want ice cream

[Cheryl🍒]: if you'd bring it to me i would love you forever

[Kevin🔦]: how about we go to pop's for it at like 12:30 tomorrow

[Cheryl🍒]: i guess it wouldn't hurt to see the sun again

[Kevin🔦]: WOOO ice cream date

[Kevin🔦]: also

[Kevin🔦]: i'm really proud of you for honestly telling me how you're feeling instead of putting up a front and pretending you're fine

[Cheryl🍒]: that means a lot to me kev

[Cheryl🍒]: you're the best

[Kevin🔦]: i know right
9:44 a.m
[Kevin🔦]: hey you

[Kevin🔦]: what're you doing

[Toni🐍]: i just finished my 20 minute session of punching sweet pea in the arm to relieve anger

[Toni🐍]: now i'll probably go home and punch another hole in my wall

[Kevin🔦]: has cheryl tried to talk to you at all

[Toni🐍]: she's called me four times today alone

[Toni🐍]: i've declined every call

[Kevin🔦]: i don't think you're gonna want to hear what i'm going to say next and i'm really risking my life but this is what it takes being captain of the choni ship

[Toni🐍]: the sinking ship

[Kevin🔦]: false incorrect untrue shut your small toddler sized mouth

[Kevin🔦]: i really think that you should listen to what cheryl has to say

[Toni🐍]: so i can hear her tell me she chooses veronica instead of me?

[Toni🐍]: she's made that point incredibly clear

[Kevin🔦]: toni you seriously need to just suck it up and listen to her

[Kevin🔦]: please

[Kevin🔦]: cheryl has been through so, so much in her life and i'm scared that losing you would literally kill her

[Toni🐍]: sorry but she had her chance

[Kevin🔦]: i see

[Kevin🔦]: hey are you gonna be busy at like 12:30 tomorrow

[Toni🐍]: it depends

[Kevin🔦]: i want a tevin lunch date

[Toni🐍]: fine but i don't think this will be the most fun lunch for you

[Kevin🔦]: debatable

[Kevin🔦]: k byeeeeee
9:51 a.m
[Kevin🔦]: what the hell drugs are you on

[Kevin🔦]: you're a fucking idiot

[Veronica💋]: hello to you too

[Kevin🔦]: what was your game plan with this whole thing

[Kevin🔦]: you thought that cheryl would kiss you back and reveal that she's liked you this whole time?

[Kevin🔦]: the only thing you've managed to do is completely destroy the best thing to ever happen to cheryl, who was supposed to be your best friend

[Kevin🔦]: i thought you really cared about her until you go and do something so incredibly selfish like this and it makes me question if you actually do

[Veronica💋]: can you shut the fuck up for like 5 seconds please????

[Veronica💋]: i'm aware that i fucked up

[Veronica💋]: i didn't have a game plan i just followed her upstairs and kissed her

[Veronica💋]: i was so drunk

[Kevin🔦]: i don't care if you were snorting crack with barney the dinosaur 10 minutes before

[Kevin🔦]: it doesn't excuse you from this

[Kevin🔦]: cheryl is a mess and toni is so pissed at both of you

[Veronica💋]: yeah i know, she dislocated my jaw

[Kevin🔦]: what does your girlfriend think of all this

[Veronica💋]: i broke up with her the day after

[Veronica💋]: she doesn't deserve me because i don't deserve anyone

[Kevin🔦]: ok well that's not true

[Kevin🔦]: a lot of people are mad at you right now but it doesn't mean you deserve to be alone

[Kevin🔦]: i'm sorry for coming in so aggressive but i just came from talking with toni and cheryl and seeing how upset they both are made me really angry

[Veronica💋]: i want to fix everything with them

[Veronica💋]: can you please help somehow

[Kevin🔦]: yes but i can't today or tomorrow

[Kevin🔦]: i'm tricking cheryl and toni into having lunch with each other at pop's and i need to plan

[Kevin🔦]: we'll work on your plan on monday or something

[Veronica💋]: thank you

[Veronica💋]: i'm sorry for ruining everything

[Kevin🔦]: we all make mistakes
                         bomb shelter
10:01 a.m
[Kevin🔦]: yeah it's definitely not safe to go back to our old group yet

[Betty✨]: awesome

a/n: helllooooo long time no see!! sorry for my absence and i hope you enjoy this💕

also, i just want to take a second to thank everyone who commented on my explanation of why i wasn't posting. i'm so touched by the messages you guys left me and it made me feel so much better about not being able to update. it really improved my mood and i'm so lucky to have the best people in the entire world reading this mess of a book❤️

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