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                     the three amigays
7:09 a.m
[Cheryl🍒]: fun story guys

[Veronica💋]: y es

[Veronica💋]: spill

[Cheryl🍒]: i have to wait for kevin

[Veronica💋]: he's probably reading the paper or something he's like 85 years old

[Veronica💋]: just tell me

[Cheryl🍒]: no we have to be fair


[Kevin🔦]: i'm here and a little hurt that you called me 85

[Veronica💋]: you're fine

[Veronica💋]: so story time

[Cheryl🍒]: yes ok

[Cheryl🍒]: it's actually not a story

[Kevin🔦]: boo

[Cheryl🍒]: toni kissed me last night

[Kevin🔦]: yee haw the ship is sailing


[Kevin🔦]: you were probably doing your ✨job✨ that you get ✨payed✨ to do

[Veronica💋]: why is everyone so concerned about my job

[Veronica💋]: anyway i am DEEPLY upset by this news

[Cheryl🍒]: why're you upset

[Veronica💋]: because i didn't see it happen

[Veronica💋]: what went down

[Cheryl🍒]: well we were getting ready to leave and i kissed her on the cheek and then as i was trying to leave she kissed me

[Veronica💋]: omfg

[Veronica💋]: my heart is swelling

[Cheryl🍒]: um calm down

[Veronica💋]: no

[Kevin🔦]: have you talked since

[Cheryl🍒]: no

[Cheryl🍒]: why

[Cheryl🍒]: am i supposed to be talking with her

[Kevin🔦]: ok now it's your turn to calm down

[Cheryl🍒]: omg she just texted me ihave to go respond

[Cheryl🍒]: no wait i'll look desperate

[Cheryl🍒]: i have to wait a little bit

[Cheryl🍒]: hi how are you guys

[Veronica💋]: i don't think you've ever asked me how i'm doing

[Veronica💋]: toni is making you soft

[Cheryl🍒]: and now i'm leaving
7:17 a.m
[Toni🐍]: i want to get a fish

[Cheryl🍒]: good morning to you too

[Toni🐍]: good😊 morning✨ cheryl😍

[Cheryl🍒]: why do you want a fish

[Toni🐍]: the one pet i've ever had was hot dog during my serpent initiation thing

[Cheryl🍒]: hot dog??

[Toni🐍]: he's the serpents dog or something idk no one really knows who he actually belongs to

[Cheryl🍒]: so are you going to get yourself a fish

[Toni🐍]: i'm not sure

[Toni🐍]: it's something that takes responsibility and responsibility is something that i lack

[Cheryl🍒]: relatable

[Cheryl🍒]: but don't you just feed it and let it do its thing

[Toni🐍]: probably

[Cheryl🍒]: ok then

[Cheryl🍒]: i had a cat when i was younger

[Cheryl🍒]: actually it was my brother's cat but he liked me way more so he became my cat

[Toni🐍]: aww cute what was his/her name

[Cheryl🍒]: my parents said we had to name him charles which was dumb but apparently even our pets had to be proper

[Cheryl🍒]: but jason and i didn't listen to that and we called him bongo in secret

[Toni🐍]: how do you get bongo from charles

[Cheryl🍒]: i have no idea

[Toni🐍]: what happened to sir bongo charles

[Cheryl🍒]: he ran away

[Cheryl🍒]: which is a common theme with things that love me

[Cheryl🍒]: they all leave eventually

[Toni🐍]: well that theme stops now

[Toni🐍]: i'll always be here

[Cheryl🍒]: you love me?

[Toni🐍]: well duh

[Cheryl🍒]: that's a first

[Toni🐍]: nonsense

[Toni🐍]: do u want to come with me to get my fish

[Cheryl🍒]: sure

[Toni🐍]: where can i pick you up

[Cheryl🍒]: *insert address*

[Cheryl🍒]: ooo i get to ride on your death wagon

[Cheryl🍒]: i'm excited

[Toni🐍]: lmao i thought you said you were scared of it

[Cheryl🍒]: i re-evaluated my fears

[Toni🐍]: ok then

[Toni🐍]: let's go get a fish

a/n: omg hi this is number 1 in choni right now and i'm SHOOK i love you all i hope you like this update and i hope you have/had a great day❤️❤️❤️❤️

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