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                          schoolin buds
1:16 p.m
[Veronica💋]: TEA

[Kevin🔦]: i'm HERE

[Betty✨]: i'm also here

[Jughead🙄]: betty put me here and i'm not sure what's happening

[Veronica💋]: we met cheryl's s/o

[Betty✨]: oooooo spill

[Archie❌]: what's the bio homework

[Reggie😤]: ^^

[Kevin🔦]: she was an angel

[Veronica💋]: she came to pick cheryl up when she was wasted and i was too lazy to get her

[Betty✨]: wow that's true love

[Cheryl🍒]: she's not my significant other

[Cheryl🍒]: we're just friends

[Veronica💋]: the earth is flat

[Cheryl🍒]: ????

[Veronica💋]: oh i thought we were just stating things that weren't true



[Cheryl🍒]: no

[Cheryl🍒]: you guys don't get to text her

[Betty✨]: party pooper

[Archie❌]: guys what is the bio homework

[Veronica💋]: oh my god archie we are trying to discuss cheryl's relationship

[Kevin🔦]: it's to study for the test

[Archie❌]: thanks

[Reggie😤]: wait cheryl has a girlfriend?

[Reggie😤]: that's hot i want to meet her

[Cheryl🍒]: first of all, you're a disgusting pig

[Cheryl🍒]: second of all, no

"Veronica💋" added "Toni🐍" to the group

[Cheryl🍒]: WHAT THE HELL

[Veronica💋]: nobody ever said i couldn't add her in

[Toni🐍]: lmao what is this

[Jughead🙄]: toni?????

[Toni🐍]: jug ???

[Cheryl🍒]: what's happening

[Jughead🙄]: uhh i already know toni

[Veronica💋]: oooo tea

[Cheryl🍒]: how do you already know her

[Jughead🙄]: we're both serpents

[Cheryl🍒]: oh

[Cheryl🍒]: did not know that

[Cheryl🍒]: oh class is starting gotta go bye

"Cheryl🍒" has left the group

[Jughead🙄]: um

[Toni🐍]: i fucked up

[Veronica💋]: i don't think it's specifically you, cheryl just has stuff against serpents

[Betty✨]: yeah some deep stuff against the serpents

[Kevin🔦]: i think you should probably talk to her because now she's sitting in class staring angrily/depressingly out the window

[Toni🐍]: i'm going to

[Kevin🔦]: good luck soldier

1:22 p.m
[Toni🐍]: cheryl i'm sorry

[Cheryl🍒]: that's nice

[Toni🐍]: i didn't tell you because you didn't know where i lived and i didn't want you to stop talking to me because i was in a gang

[Toni🐍]: the serpents are my family, my dad left before i was born and my mom is in jail for drugs. i live with my uncle who is a drunk and locks me out like 80% of the time in a shitty trailer on the south side

[Toni🐍]: i joined the serpents at 14 and they took care of me. they're more of a family than my actual family will ever be.

[Toni🐍]: my brother practically lives with my friend (serpent) full time because my uncle is too unpredictable for him to be with, it would be unsafe

[Toni🐍]: i'm sorry for not telling you, i just didn't think that you cared to know that much about me and i didn't want you to stop talking to me

[Cheryl🍒]: toni you could tell me that you were a murderer and i would still want to talk to you more than anyone else in the world

[Toni🐍]: i'm a murderer

[Cheryl🍒]: see i still want to talk to you

[Cheryl🍒]: now as for my reason for hating the serpents, i would love to tell you but i'd rather tell you in person

[Toni🐍]: oh shit ok

[Cheryl🍒]: do you know where pop's is

[Toni🐍]: hell yeah i know where pop's is

[Toni🐍]: fucking love pop's

[Cheryl🍒]: mhmm ok so can you do saturday at like 8:30

[Toni🐍]: yes i can

[Cheryl🍒]: then i will see you then

[Toni🐍]: you shall

a/n: run me over with a bus please i'm so tired and i really hate geometry and my geometry teacher but anyway i hope your life is going better than mine is and i hope you enjoy this even though it's gârbãgē also plz date me ok byEEEEE

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