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                         three amigays
8:19 a.m
[Veronica💋]: i made a mistake

[Kevin🔦]: OOOO what did you do

[Cheryl🍒]: this should be good

[Veronica💋]: ok so backstory

[Veronica💋]: my parents had to do this whole dinner thing last night for whoever they're working with and of course i had to go to it but i brought betty for backup because i hate my family

[Veronica💋]: and all these rich people that were there brought some of their rich kids too and after a while we all got bored and wandered off

[Veronica💋]: and then things went downhill because one of them brought

[Veronica💋]: i l l e g a l  s u b s t a n c e s

[Kevin🔦]: did you do any illegal substances

[Veronica💋]: yeah because i'm not a little bitch who says no

[Veronica💋]: and then we found alcohol and yeah i don't really remember too much of anything

[Cheryl🍒]: you're so dumb do you want to get yourself killed

[Veronica💋]: i'm not good with peer pressure

[Veronica💋]: but anyway that's not my main problem

[Veronica💋]: my main problem is that i definitely did something with someone and i don't remember who that someone was

[Kevin🔦]: please decode

[Veronica💋]: someone gave me a hickey and i don't know who it's from

[Cheryl🍒]: jesus christ

[Cheryl🍒]: v it worries me when this happens to you

[Veronica💋]: i'm worried too someone tried to take a chunk out of my neck last night and i don't have any idea who it was

[Veronica💋]: but thank you for your concern i promise i'm not wild every weekend

[Veronica💋]: well now i'm gonna have to go see if anyone else remembers anything

[Kevin🔦]: have fun cleaning up your mess

12:22 p.m
[Veronica💋]: this is taking too long

[Veronica💋]: i've texted so many people and either they don't remember or they say they didn't do it

[Kevin🔦]: maybe this is a sign you should stop making bad decisions

[Veronica💋]: maybe

[Veronica💋]: can you guys help me

[Veronica💋]: just text some of the numbers i give you so we can speed up this process

[Cheryl🍒]: i can't toni still really wants that cat so now we have to go look at cats because i'm

[Cheryl🍒]: ✨whipped✨ and can't say ✨no✨

[Kevin🔦]: and i can't because i don't want to

[Veronica💋]: you guys

[Veronica💋]: are so mean

[Kevin🔦]: you're mad because we won't help you with the mess that you could've avoided but decided to make anyway

[Veronica💋]: yeah and???

[Kevin🔦]: have fun with this

[Veronica💋]: i dislike you
2:48 p.m
[Veronica💋]: god i am never doing that again

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