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schoolin buds
11:14 a.m
[Cheryl🍒]: i'd like to know why i have to take the planned parenthood class

[Cheryl🍒]: i'm a lesbian i can't get pregnant

[Kevin🔦]: did you tell weatherbee that

[Cheryl🍒]: yeah at the beginning of the year and he told me it was not a valid excuse

[Toni🐍]: i love this class

[Cheryl🍒]: every time we come in here toni insists that her name is tim and that she is my boyfriend

[Kevin🔦]: her name is already a traditionally male name

[Cheryl🍒]: i know it makes absolutely no sense

[Kevin🔦]: you should've taken theatre arts

[Cheryl🍒]: i really should've

[Veronica💋]: no you shouldn't of kevin is an asshole

[Kevin🔦]: no you just suck

[Veronica💋]: asshole

[Toni🐍]: this class is so fun cheryl is just a party pooper

[Toni🐍]: we have to go it's time to see what our final project is gonna be

[Kevin🔦]: have fun!!

11:56 a.m
[Cheryl🍒]: i hate this class 1 billion times more now

[Kevin🔦]: why


[Toni🐍]: we had a baby

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[Toni🐍]: we had a baby

[Kevin🔦]: HAHAHAHA

[Toni🐍]: this is jacob

[Toni🐍]: isn't he adorable????

[Cheryl🍒]: i am so unhappy

[Kevin🔦]: this is the highlight of my life

[Kevin🔦]: how long do you have him for

[Toni🐍]: well we just met him and we get to pick him up at the end of the day and we have him until our next class on monday

[Cheryl🍒]: too many days

[Kevin🔦]: cheryl i thought you liked kids

[Cheryl🍒]: oh i do but i don't want this robot

[Toni🐍]: cheryl is still warming up to the idea of our son but i'm excited

[Toni🐍]: plus it means she gets to sleep at my house all weekend

[Cheryl🍒]: it'll be like spending my weekend with three babies

[Cheryl🍒]: toni gets incredibly upset that she can't reach her stash of candy that she FORCED me to put in her very top cabinets

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