Nerd and Popular 🎭

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In this chapter your gonna be a popular girl and one of the members (revealed in the story) is going to be the nerd that nobody noticed and that doesn't have any friends. This doesn't affect any chapters at all


Lisa POV
Another day at school. I don't really know why I'm popular to be honest,but I'm guessing because I'm "pretty".

I'm tired of this. Girls want to be friends so they can become popular too while boys want me to be their girlfriend.

I enter the classroom and I'm immediately crowded by people.

Lucky me, since I'm tall I see a boy in the back of the classroom reading a book.

I decide to walk to him since he looks lonely. I could see girls and boys staring at my actions. As I get closer I notice that he's wearing big glasses and that he has braces on.

He looks cute.

Me: hi
???; are y-you talking t-to m-me
Me: yes who else would I be talking to?
???: you're right
Me: I'm Lisa
I give out my best smile
???: y-yeah I k-know
Me: oh then whats your name?
???: it's j-Jungkook
Me: wahhh that's a handsome name

I wink at him and see a little shade of pink in his cheeks

Me: aww your blushing

I then pinch his cheeks but stop since I see that he's getting flustered

Me: oh I'm sorry i guess i got to excited
Jungkook: no I-it's ok-ay
Me: how a-

I got interrupted by the teacher coming in

Teacher: alright students sit on your seats and we'll begin our lesson

I turn around and see girls and boys trying to get me to sit with them

Girl 1: sit with me Lisa we'll be besties
Boy 1: I have a spot right here you can use it
Girl: come here I saved it just for you

I decided to sit with Jungkook since he wasn't begging me to sit with him.

Me: Can i sit here?
Jungkook; oh uh sure

When I sat down I could hear the girls gasp and the boys cursing at Jungkook.

Time Skip
When the lesson was done it was time for lunch.

Y'all never knew but I don't have any friends. I am popular,but thanks to that I can't trust anybody.

Somehow I saw something in Jungkook and it's making me believe that he doesn't want me for the fame.

Me: hey kookie wanna get lunch with me~
Jungkook; kookie?
Me: yeah i made a nickname for you
Jungkook: oh thanks and sure
Me: ok let's go

As we were walking to the cafeteria, I suddenly forgot.

Me: oh shit Umm kookie can you wait for me here? I think I forgot my phone in the classroom.
Jung-kookie; oh sure
Me: thanks and I'll be right back!

I said while running in the hallway

Jungkook POV
Lisa: thanks and I'll be right back!

I smiled because she was my first friend.

Everyone bullied me since I was a nerd. I didn't act like one though. They thought that I was a nerd just because I had glasses and braces.

Why would Lisa talk to me? That question was going thru my head when....

???: YAH who do you think you are to hang out with Lisa huh?!

I turned around and sure enough it was the school's playboy and his minions.

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