Oops, Sorry ...🚫😅

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This is a very short story as it actually happened in real life (yeEt guess who's the victim!)

Lisa POV
Apparently Jimin and Jungkook got sick at the same time but in different places.

Jimin's ear got infected to the doctor sent him some ear drops.

Jungkook's throat hurt so the doctor sent him some medicine.

I was stuck babysitting these two since the other guys needed to do some quick errands.

"Jimin oppa! JEON JUNGKOOK! It's time for your medicine!" I yell and the next thing I hear is footsteps coming towards me.

In a blink of an eye (literally) I see those too in front of me, posing.

In a blink of an eye (literally) I see those too in front of me, posing

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"We're ready!" They both say and sit besides me.

I take out Jimin's ear drops and make him sit sideways on the couch.

"It's gonna feel weird okay?" I said and he nods, with a face that I cannot read.

When I drop a drop in his ear, he hisses and tries to stand back up but I immediately push his head back down harshly.

I quickly apologize and add 4 more drops.

"Stay there, I'm gonna give kookie his medicine."

I turn around and see Jungkook on his phone. I roll my eyes and just squeeze his jaw, making him open his mouth, and shove his medicine down his throat.

I smiled and just as I was about to put away the medicine I realized that at the top of the thingy that holds in the so called medicine, was a label that said......Jimin's ear drop medication.

Shit I forgot to change the medication!!

My eyes enlarged double their size and quickly looked back at Jungkook.

Did he notice?

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Did he notice?

He stood up, threw his phone on the couch and ran, like he was in a marathon, to the kitchen.

He put his tongue on the sink and began scratching it with his hands.

Jimin was looking at him, but in a weird angle since he still needed to wait a few minutes before his medication is done.

I ran to Jungkook and helped him get that nasty ear medication of his tongue and possibly his throat.

"Ok I'm gonna do something but don't freak out okay?" I said and didn't wait for his reply.

I took out the sponge and put some soap on it. Luckily he had a long tongue so I grabbed it and started rubbing the sponge against his mouth.

I could hear Jimin laughing all the way from here.

"Ahh Lisa, swoppp it whurts." Jungkook said and kept on spitting the soap out.

What did he say?

I shrugged it off and kept on cleaning his mouth, more specifically, his tongue.

He grabbed both of my wrists and I know that was my cue to stop messing with his mouth.

"It smells good but the taste doesn't." Jungkook said before he put his whole mouth on the faucet.

When he finished uhm doing his cleaning-his-mouth-from-ear-drop-medicine I got the medicine he was actually supposed to take, get in front of him, and smile while modeling it on top of my palm.

His eyes widen and he shakes his head as quick as possible, and he fleas.

The rest of the night I was chasing Jungkook, trying to persuade him that the medicine was 100% his.

When he finally drank it I realized something.

"Lisa....?" I hear the faint voice of Jimin.


YEP that actually happened to me and it was not a pleasant flavor/taste.

(Like I said short story)


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