Chapter 2

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Lance's POV
I wake up to my stinging thighs and the sound of Allura's very annoyed voice through the speakers.

"Lance, you are late!! If I were you, I would get down here as fast as you can!!!" He tone is slightly terrifying as she threatens me to get up.

Not wanting to make her any madder then she already is, I get up out of the pilots chair, pull my pants back over my fresh cuts and run like lightning down to the control room.

I walk in to see everyone staring at me with scolding expressions, Shiro makes his way over to me and slaps me on the face. I let out a gasp of shock. My eyes are wide as I comprehend what just happened.
'Shiro slapped me?' 'Shiro SLAPPED me!!!'

I don't understand, sure I was late but I'm always late and he's never done that before.

"Your late and your not even in you armour! Lance you can't be fooling around! War isn't a joke, so stop acting like it is!!" I can do nothing but stand there and take the stern yelling. My pants are rubbing up against my cuts and it is making it hard to stand.

I can feel tears threatening to spill but I won't let them because it would only prove to them how weak I am. So I clench my jaw and pray they stay in my eyes.

Once Shiro stops lecturing me, he then move back over to the Princess.

Keith's POV
I know Lance isn't the best among us and he makes a lot of mistakes, but I think Shiro might have taken it too far.

True I call him useless and pathetic when he is not around but I don't really mean it, I just think that it might push him to be better like I know he can. It worked for me.

But slapping him of the face....that's not right. I look at Lance and can see that he is trying not to cry, did it really hurt him that much? His legs are also lightly shaking. Now that I take a good look, he's not looking to well.

— Time Skip to Galra Ship —

Lance's POV
We split up so that we could cover more ground, we also went on radio silence unless it was an emergency. I am finding it very annoying and painful to run in the skin tight suit due to last nights events. Yay...

It's oddly quiet as I am moving around the ship, I haven't come into contact with one soldier or drone the whole time. To be honest it is very unnerving.

My footsteps are the only thing that can be heard throughout the ship. I haven't found a holding cell for prisoners, which makes me think that they are not in the section of the ship that I am scanning. My bayard is at the ready just in case there is a trap of some sort.

As I come to a corner I can hear little padding of feet on the ground, they are too light to be a Galra but you can never be to sure. It comes closer and I aim my gun ready to shoot.

My breathing gets fast and so does my heartbeat as anticipation creeps closer.
The figure comes around the corner and I was about to shoot it until I saw that it was a little Galra baby crawling on the cold ground.

It looks up at me with big innocent yellow eyes.
It looks up at me and says....


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