Chapter 26

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I got a chapter out!😆😊
This is were I am staying on my holiday.

— Time Skip — After Leaving Eurilia —

Third POV
Voltron had to unfortunately had to cut their trip on Eurilia short, Marmora had need of their assistance. They thankfully left with a signed alliance.

Keith and Lance had much to talk about but Caspian wouldn't give them a second alone. The team were back in the castle, Keith and Lance were sitting in the cockpit of Blue.

Lance was awake but Keith was unsure of how functional he was right now.

"...Lance." Keith breathed out softly as he tried to start a conversation between them.

It wasn't working because Lance wasn't even looking at him, too heartbroken and exposed to even acknowledge the Red Paladins existence; let alone talk to him.

"Lance, we need to talk about this..." Keith's choice of words was careful, he did not want to make anything more difficult.

Caspian was curled up in Lance's lap seemingly asleep. However, when Keith got too close he would let out a cute and warning growl. So whilst Lance sat on the bed, Keith sat on the other side against the wardrobe.

"...." Lance did not reply to Keith, his new found Galra ears were flattened against his head and his tail was unmoving.

The Blue Paladin looked nothing like the boy from the start of the previous day. Heck, Keith wasn't even sure if Lance was a boy anymore.

"Please, you mean the world to me and I want you to speak to me." He tried to make that come off as sweet and heartfelt but it seemed to have upset Lance in some way.

"I mean the world to you? Sure didn't feel like it when you called me whore and told me to, what was it, oh that's right; 'stay the FUCK away from me!!!'."

Lance screeched the last part and Keith recoiled at the retelling of his own words. Lance's voice was a slightly higher pitch and his expression showed nothing but hurt and anger.

At his mamma's loud voice, Caspian had spring up and was looking back and forth between Keith and Lance; his flurry ears pricked high.

"Lance, you have no idea how absolutely sorry I am about everything I did to you." The raven head keep his tone soft and sincere, he did not want to make anything worse.

Lance looked down at his bandaged arms and legs, his purple furry skin making him cringe.

"We need to talk about two other matters..."


"Firstly....Shiro..." Lance flinched at the mention of their leaders name. Little flashed of what had happened showed in his mind.

"You don't have to say anything, but we have to let Allura know about it." Keith trailed off at the end of his sentence, not knowing how his Beautiful Blue would react.

Lance's head shot up and his breathing drastically increased, he did not want anyone to know what happened; he didn't even want to know.

"No no no no no! You can't tell anyone!! They can't know!!!" Caspian hopped off his mamma's lap to avoid falling as Lance scrambled to get to Keith.

He tripped on the blankets and fell of the edge of the bed, Keith lunged forward from his spot against the wardrobe and caught Lance.

"P-please Keith, don't t-tell anyone..." Lance was huddled in Keith's arm, he still wouldn't look him in the eyes. He was pleading with the older man.

Keith looked over Lance, seeing how broken and hopeless he appeared. The younger Paladin was on the verge of tears and quivering gently in Keith's arms.

He pondered the thought not telling the others and he had come to a decision.

Lance could tell the others when he felt comfortable, Keith would stay with him and protect him from Shiro and everyone else he deemed a threat.

"Ok, I won't tell anyone." Lance visibly relaxed. "Will you please have me back as your boyfriend?...."

There was a brief moment of nothing, then Lance gave a curt nod. Keith smiled widely and gave his boyfriend a big warm hug.

"Thank you, Thank you. I will love and protect you with all my heart."

Little Caspian came over to the pair and climbed onto Lance's lap again. He glanced at the both of them and then snuggled between them.

He let out a tiny sigh. "Mamma, Pappa~" A soft purr was soon heard from the little purple fluff.

Lance followed suit by coiling up further into Keith's arms and falling asleep.

Keith picked up the two of them and made his way onto the pillow filled bed. He placed them down and then climbed over to the back, he wrapped his arms around Lance's waist as the newly dubbed Galra held the little baby.

Lance pushed back into Keith's chest as he became more comfortable. Keith closed his eyes and the only thing that could be heard throughout the cockpit was the purring of both Galra.

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