Chapter 19

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Third POV
Lance casually walked over to the person at the edge of the cliff, he did not want to make a scene out of it, so he just walk to the edge as if he had not known they were even there.

Lance's heart was racing so fast because he knew the seriousness of the situation and he also knew that he could not frighten the person because they might to something irrational.

He moved slowly and when he came to edge he sat down and hung his legs over, into the expanse of night. His eyes move to the person and he noticed that it was a girl, he couldn't identify who the person was but they looked familiar.

"Hello." Lance's voice was gentle and calming. He swung his legs back and forth and looked up into the persons eyes.

They looked startled, a bit shocked that someone else would be out in the night; not at the party.

"Umm, hi....." She took a step closer to the edge, Lance became more tense as he knew she was one more step to falling off the cliff. He had to think of something and fast.

"Hey....would you like to sit with me?" He patted the spot beside himself in hopes that would make it more inviting. The girl hesitated for a moment before she cautiously made her way over to the space beside Lance.

They both sat awkwardly before the girl glanced at Lance with uncertainty. "Why are you here? And why do you want me to sit with you, do you know why I am out here?" Her questions were very open and direct, the tone in her voice was lifeless and sad. She sounded exhausted.

"Well to be honest, I wanted to get away from the party and yes, I know exactly why you are out here; I was wondering if you would like to talk with someone." She looks to here feet when she heard that Lance knew why she was out here.

She took a deep breath of sadness, she looked back at him and this time light shone on her face. Lance could see that the person was the Princess, Tatani.

"....That would be nice, but I'm sure I would just annoy you." Lance's eyes widened as he noticed that she sounded exactly like him.

A look of empathy made it's way on to his face, he knew what it felt like to be in her situation.

"Not at all, tell away." Tatani briefly eyed him before she turned her attention to the expanse of stars. They glistened and twinkled in the dark sky.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just done with everything. I feel so trapped, trapped within myself and trapped within my family." She brought her knees to her chest. "Being me isn't good enough, there is always something more I could be doing. I'm never enough."

She turned her body towards Lance and she continued to speak in a disheartened voice. "I'm so tired of everything, I'm so done. I just want to be at peace, to have the quietness that life cannot provide. My mind is so crowed and full, it's heavy and tiring. I just want it to stop."

Tatani had start to silently cry as her words made all the feelings crash back down on her. Her words rang true with Lance, he felt the exact same way. Everything was tiring, his mind was so dark and heavy that he could barely function.

"I-I don't w-want to do this a-anymore.....I'm sick of the f-fighting, the yelling, the words, but m-most of all; I'm sick of feeling so damn USELESS!" That last word struck a chord in Lance and he started to cry as well.

Lance placed a hand over his mouth in an attempt to calm himself down, it wasn't working very well.

"I know t-this sounds clique, but I know exactly how you feel." Tatani had confusion written all over as she tried to figure out why one of the great Paladins of Voltron would know what it feels like.

"How would you know, y-your a Paladin of Voltron; your l-loved and r-respected by the whole universe. How would you understand how I feel?" It may have come off a little defensive but Lance could understand where she was coming from.

"Yes the other Paladins are loved and respected, but not me. I'm just the stupid goofball that messes everything up." As Lance was speaking he was subconsciously scratching at his bandages. "I'm so pathetic and worthless that they are going to throw me off the team by the end of this week."

The Princess was struck with surprise, as she had never thought that being a Paladin could be so internally challenging.

"I-I'm sorry, I w-was meant to be helping y-you...." As Lance spoke he didn't look at her, too afraid to see the look of disgust on her face. He needed to turn the attention somewhere else.

"....It's a beautiful sight isn't it?" Tatani was once again confused by the skinny Paladin. "It's a beautiful place to end your life. I mean as you fall of the cliff and plummet to the ground, you get to see such a lovely sky."

"Yeah....That's why I chose it." They both moved their focus to the night life in front of them. Dim glowing of plants and an edge so very close that one wrong move would mean the end.

"I'll make you a deal. If you jump, I will jump with you; so that you wont go out alone." He stood up and the Princess followed suit.

"Or. We could both chose to live, we could live for each other and somebody else; live for someone we deeply care about." Lance took hold of her hands and his ocean blue eyes looked straight into her washed out blue ones. She knew she had to give an answer and she couldn't let a Paladin of Voltron die, so there was only one option.

"I ch-chose to l-live." Although she sounded unsure Lance could tell that the young Princess would not go back on her word.

"Great. So how about you and I head back into the party and get something to eat." She smiled warmly at him and they both trekked back into the massive ball room and into the mass of people.

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