Chapter 4

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Keith's POV
We split up to cover more ground on the ship, we also went on radio silence. This place is giving me the creeps, I'm not usually one to get unnerved by quietness but this is something different. It's not that it's quiet, it's because the ship feels abandoned.

As I am walking I notice how clean the place is, it looks brand new, untouched. I was about to send a communication to the others when I receive a call from Shiro.

"You there Keith?" He asks, his voice is hushed as he speaks.

" you know what's going on?" I respond to him. A rush of cold air comes past me and I shudder as it corses through my body.

"Not sure. I just wanted to ask you something. The others are also on the coms." As he says that I hear a chorus of heys and hi's, but nothing from Lance.

"Is Lance listening as well?" Curiosity shows itself when I speak. I hear a clank on the ground and jump slightly in shock. I run to the spot I heard it from, only to find a mice like creature running away.

"No he isn't." Shiro's voice was blunt and almost relieved. "We actually wanted to talk to you about your opinions of Lance." My opinions on Lance?

I'm not gonna tell him my actual opinions/feelings of Lance because they would think of me as disgusting. So instead I will tell them what they want to hear.

"Ummm....he's ok...I guess, a little dumb though." I make my way into a room, scanning to see if there are any people or anything at all. Nothing.

"Ok?? Haha!! What a joke!" Allura's voice is harsh. She really doesn't like Lance.

"I think he's pathetic." Pidge has been know to have no emotional filter. "In my opinion, I think with how selfish he is, he would leave a child to die; just to save himself." What!! No way would Lance do that, he's all about family and love. He wouldn't let someone DIE if he could save them!!!

"Don't you think that is a little harsh...?" I say, trying to reason with her.

The lights are gently flickering as I trek down the metal hallways. There is absolutely nothing here, I think this is either a trap or it was recently abandoned.

"It's not harsh Keith, it's reality. He's not a good Paladin and he is ruining the reputation of Voltron." Even though Shiro is talking about Lance, I feel like he is lecturing me instead. "Do you really think that people want an idiot and whore to save their planet?!"

'Whore!!!!! Who the FUCK does he think he is saying that about Lance!!!'

I don't respond to him because I know if I were to open my mouth right now, I might say something that I will regret. I just keep walking aimlessly around the empty ship. I think they caught onto my silence because Allura calls us back to the ship.

"Shouldn't we tell Lance?" I say into the coms, there is brief moment of static before Pidge speaks.

"Nah. Let's just see if he gets the memo through his dense skull. Hahaha!" Everyone starts laughing at Pidge's remark and start to fly off in their Lions.

I was going to just leave but then I thought it would be a good idea to send a private notification to the Blue Lion.
Once I have done that I fly off to the Castle.
I really hope Lance follows soon.

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