Chapter 16

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Very basic sketch of Lance's clothes.
I'm not happy with it because I've been having a block on my usual drawing abilities.

Keep the comments coming, I love reading them. 😊

Lance's POV
"I c-can't do i-it Blue..." I wail into my arms with my head on the control panel. My arms have little red stains on them, along with wet tear marks. Once again I didn't follow through on my promise to Blue, I hurt myself.

"Yes you can my cub, you are so strong~" She's so sweet, but it's a lie. If I was strong I wouldn't be in here crying like a useless piece of shit!

"I'm s-sorry...hic...I didn't m-me-mean to...hic..." My voice is a wreck from the harsh breathing and panicked shaking.

"Do not apologise, you have done nothing wrong." She sends comforting waves of love through our connection, it's really nice but I know that I don't deserve it.

"How about you bandage up your wounds and walk into that party with Blue Paladin Pride." I giggle at her joke and slowly get up to wrap up my mistakes.

I don't bother with the disinfectant because what's the point, I just wrap the bandages tight around my bony arms and tape the ends down.

I was going to put the suit jacket back on when I hesitated. "I don't w-want to go back..." I drop it into the ground and I slide down the wall. I bring my knees to my chest and start to sob again.

The floor and wall lets out a warm heat against my body and I know that is Blue's way of giving me a motherly hug. It only makes me cry more, wanting her to actually be hugging me.

"I know you want to go, your just not comfortable going in the clothes that Shiro chose for you." She was right, I did not want to wear them at all, I hated how masculine they looked.

"So I suggest that you put on the clothes that you chose.....THEN you walk in there with that Blue Paladin Pride like we spoke about."

Her voice was lighthearted and supportive, right then I knew that I was going to do it. I was going to wear what I wanted to and there was nothing Shiro could do about it.

Who knows I might even get a reaction out of Keith.

Keith's POV
It's been half and hour since I arrived at the party and I'm very worried that Lance isn't going to show up.

I've literally been aimlessly wandering around the ball room, I've had to decline so many girls that want to dance with me. I only want Lance.

My champagne glass is empty again, I've had roughly 5 of them. My nerves have me going back for more, I know Lance will reject me but that doesn't make it any easier.

As I am walking over to the waitress to get another drink the doors open and I see someone standing, Lance. My jaw drops and my eyes go wide with awe; he is gorgeous.

He's wearing a silky blue long sleeved shirt that compliments his sexy figure, his black leggings are defining his long legs. I also see that he is wearing shoes, not just any shoes but ones with a small heal. My face is dusted with a light pink as I looks at him, he is like an angel.

"Sir watch ou-" CRASH!!! I was so caught up in Lance's beauty that I forgot I was still walking in the direction of the waitress. I may or may not have crash into her. bad.

"Quiznak! I'm so so sorry, I got distracted." She looks at me and then smiles. There was champagne everywhere, all over me and the waitress, all over the ground.

The lady started to dry my clothes with a towel, I was looking back at Lance who was walking over to us.

"Pretty good looking thing to get distracted by~" I look back at her and see she has a little smirk on her face. Busted. My face turns into a ripe strawberry and I rub the back of my head in embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry." I say again. She hands me the blue rose I had gotten for Lance, thank goodness it didn't get ruined.

Lance arrives right beside me and lets out a giggle. 'He's so cute when he giggles'

"What happened to you?" He says whilst laughing. I smile at him and get up off the floor, the waitress was going to walk off but I stopped her to grab two drinks.

"Nothing, just fell over your beauty." His laughing instantly stops and he looks over at me with shock. 'Here we go, you got this Keith'

"Can we talk somewhere private, please."

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