Chapter 7

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Shiro's POV
Lance abruptly left the kitchen without having touched his food, as a leader I should be concerned but to be honest, if he wants to starve himself; he can.

I know that sounds so wrong but I'm just so sick of Lance and his cocky attitude, he thinks that he can just go around flaunting and flirting with anything and acting like a total fuck boy.

When the doors close Allura begins to speak.
"I don't think that Lance is a good paladin." No shit. He can't even shoot straight. "But I think that we need to help him get better, he's the only one the Blue Lion will respond to."

"I don't think we will get that far because of how incompetent he is, but I do think we need to do something before he gets one of killed." Pidge says as she shovels another mouthful of goo from her bowl.

"Well I think it would be a waist of our time, it's a better idea to find a new paladin altogether." They hum in thought at my idea.

"He isn't that bad." Keith states with what seemed to be no emotion, but if you've known him as long as I have, you can tell he is challenging me. Hunk strongly agrees with what Keith says.

"How about this. We give him 1 month to show improvements, if there is none than we will have no choice but to replace him." I think on what Allura said.

"Ok. I agree." I say and this ends the discussion.

We all then get up from our chairs and leave to enjoy our days rest.

— Little Time Skip —

Lance's POV
Mmmm....soo soft. I move shuffle a little bit in the blankets of my bed. Something warm is on my chest, there is a weird sensation.

I feel a bite and me eyes slowly open, I look to my chest to see Caspian suckling on my nipple.

No that can't be right. I rub my eyes and open them again, only to be greeted with the same sight.

Caspian's glowing orbs look at me and then close again as he continues to suck. I am like a deer in headlights, to shocked to move. He lets out a little hiccup and I snap back into reality.

I spring up and rip him off my nipple. Even if he wanted to feed he wouldn't be able to because I am a guy; I don't produce milk.

As soon as he realises that he has nothing to suck on he starts to cry. 'Wow, he cries really easily'. He fidgets and squirms as he try's to reach for my chest.

"...aahhh! Waaaa!! Mamma-mamma-mamma!! AAAHHHHH!!!"

"No sweetie, there is nothing there, it's not going to work" I say to him but he only cries harder.

"Blue what do I do, help me please?!" Blue responds with a low growl, I have no idea what she is trying to tell me.

"WWAAAAAAHHAHA!!!!! Aahh!...ha..ahah..." He stops screaming and resorts to sobbing. No not this again my heart can't take it.

As he is sobbing I look at his mouth and notice a whitish liquid. 'No...that can't be.' I look down at my chest and see the same whitish substance.....Milk.

That's impossible! It can't happen, I'm a guy. There is no way that I can ever produce milk.
If he was feeding off my breast milk then does that mean that I was nursing him??

I look at him as he reaches for my nipple, I look at him and feel the need to totally care for him.
I place him in a cradling position and slowly bring him back to chest.

He immediately starts to suckle and purr. 'He's happy.' His tail finds itself coiled around my hand as I hold him.

An indescribable sense of comfort and love spreads through my being. I have never felt anything so pure and innocent in my whole life.
I could stay like this forever.

I gently pat his hair and coo at him, I feel so content and happy. I haven't been happy in so long that this feels like Euphoria. Absolute bliss.

I plant a soft kiss on his head and faintly sway from side to side.

Right now it's just us, only us.
Mother and son.

From now on there might only be one chapter a day. I think, I depends on how I am feeling.

Have a great day or night 😊

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