Chapter 13

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Lance's POV
I walk into Blue and up to the cockpit, the temperature is nice and warm, nothing like the rest of the castle.

I'm to tired to do anything so I take off my clothes, put on the shorts that I wear to bed and climb in.
Caspian crawled up to me, I role slightly to the side so that he can have access to my chest and I feel him feed.

My eyes close and all consciousness fades, the pain in my stomach also dissipates. My exhaustion has me out like a light.

— Day 1 at Eurilia — Meet the Royals —

Third POV
Voltron wakes up early and they all descend to the planet bellow, the shield round Eurilia evaporated as they come closer.

Eurilia looks beautiful, it is exactly like Earth except for it has this luminescent glow to it and there is no ridged structures. The buildings are resemblance of Altean castles, they are like a beautiful mix between the two cultures.

They land the lions at the gates and are greeted with what looks like a small army. They escort the paladins, princess and Coran into the main entrance. The paladins had to leave all weapons in a side room before the entered into the throne room, it was seen as a sign of respect and trust.

The throne room is immaculate and done up all fancy. Voltron was in awe at the massive room, they had never seen anything so spectacular.

Allura bowed down and that signals the others to do the same, Lance was a little slow to catch onto what was happening and for that, Shiro sent him an angered glare. This caused Lance to instantaneously bow.

"Paladins of Voltron, I am King Eston and I welcome you to my Castle." The paladins kept silent as he spoke. The King was roughly 6 ft 5, he had pail skin and blond hair, no facial hair though.

"This is my wonderful wife Queen Rosetta and my daughter; Princess Tatani." The Queen had the same hair and skin colour as the King, however the Princess had a snow skin tone and fiery red hair, her eyes were a washed out blue that glistened in the light.

"It is an absolute pleasure to meet with you my King. If you would allow me to I will introduce the Paladins of Voltron." Allura words were chosen carefully to show the upmost respect. The King gave a small nod of approval.

"Shiro, the Black paladin, he is strong and an amazing leader." She said with pride, Shiro gave her a smile.

"Keith, Red paladin, determined, straightforward and an excellent swordsman." Keith could care less about introductions, he was too busy looking at Lance.

"Pidge, Paladin of the Green Lion, fast, agile and a pure genius." Pidge smiled widely at the way Allura had described her.

"Hunk, the Yellow paladin, kindhearted, honest and a gifted mechanic." Hunk, the sunshine had a small blush as he was praised.

"Lastly Lance, Blue paladin, he is the jokester of our team, he never takes anything seriously and he flirts with any girl he sees." Allura's words were drastically different as she explained Lance to the Royal Family. It hurt Lance to hear that and to know that another planet is going to see him as the resident fuck boy.

"Well now that the introductions are out of the way you may go rest up and we will have a party tomorrow night." Because of the time difference on Eurilia, the next day and tomorrow night would come in a few hours.

A servant escorted them to the living quarters that they had reserved but when nobody is looking Lance slips away with tears in his eyes.

The updates are going to be slower because I am now doing two stories instead of one.

I will try to get at least one chapter out per day, but I can't promise anything.

Have a great day or night 😊

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