Chapter 17

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Third POV
Keith walked Lance out of the ball room and back down the corridors of the Eurilian Castle, his grip was strong but it didn't hurt Lance.

As they were walking Lance started to feel pain in his ears again, it had been a while since something like this had happened to Lance. The pain continued to grow and it started to move around his whole body. It was making it difficult for him to keep up with the fast pace Keith was walking.

Lance's feet stumbled as his legs lost their strength, he looked down at his free hand and noticed that it had light purple splotches on it.

His hearing started to fade as the ringing became louder a more difficulty bare. Keith pulled them both into the room he had been given and sat down on the bed. He tapped the mattress as a signal for Lance to sit.

Pain coursed through his and ears felt like they where being pulled off his head, he sat down beside Keith and tried not to show any pained expression.

"Lance, there's something I need to tell you..." Although Keith was speaking Lance couldn't hear a word he was saying.

"SORRY KEITH I CAN'T HEAR WHAT...YOu....are.....saying." Whilst he was speaking the piercing sound in his ears stopped. He blush a light pink with embarrassment.

Lance's POV
God that's so embarrassing, I sounded so rude. Argh...wwhhhyyy!!! I shift awkwardly as I sit on the bed in Keith selected room. 'Why did he want to speak with me alone? And why did he say he fell because of my beauty, that RIDICULOUS!!'

Despite my ears not ringing anymore, the rest of my body still aching and my tailbone is very sore. I try to keep the pain to myself, I don't want to be a burden. My arms are stinging, with Keith pulling me along the corridors, some of the cuts opened up underneath the bandages.

"S-sorry, What did you say? My ears were ringing so I couldn't hear you." At first Keith looks confused but then he gives me a warm smile. I love his smile~

"I have t-to tell you something..." He looks nervous, I wonder why? Keith still has the two glasses of champagne in his hand, his eyes move to them.

"Do you want one?" He asks me as he moves one of the glasses to me.

"Umm, no sorry, I don't drink." I say rubbing the back of my head shyly.

"Oh ok, well in that case I should probably just say what I want to, haha right?" He's unusually nervous, I've never seen him like this.

I brace myself for some kind of hate and lecture about my stupidity and lack of abilities, however this is not what I got.

"ILOVEYOU!" He loudly blurts out something that I can't understand and holds out gorgeous sapphire blue rose. Getting the gist of what he was trying to say, my face goes a gape and my cheeks heat up.

I stuff my face into my hands in an attempt to hide the flustered expression I have. I hadn't released but Keith was looking a me with a sad face.

"I knew it....It's ok, I understand that you don't like me." His voice was so broken, I looked up at him and saw he was looking down at the Rose now laying on the ground beside the bed.

Although it hurts to see Keith so sad that I might not like him, it makes me so happy to see that he truly cares; but why? What's there to like about me?

I lean over to him and plant a soft warm kiss on his cheek, his head rises and he turns to me in shock.

"Wait...Your not rejecting me?" I shake me head lightly and his face changes to one of happiness, but it is quickly replaced with confusion.

"But I thought you were super straight, I was just going to tell you how I felt, then leave." He paused for a moment, then continued. "Are you BI?" I let out a little laughter in his confusion.

"Nope. I'm super Gay. Just hide really well." He mouth shows a little bit of surprise. "I've had such a huge crush on you since you first looked at me with those dark purple eyes."

I bit my lip waiting for a response but instead of getting a verbal one, I receive a pair of smooth lips on mine. I relax and lean back into the kiss, but a little to far because I fell down with my back on the bed.

It is gentle and careful, he was not forceful but instead, slow and passionate. My heart fluttered all around my chest as I try to comprehend what is happening, all pain in my body fades away as the euphoric feeling takes hold.

We break apart and I look up at him with half lidded eyes and a goofy smile of bliss, he draws me into a hug and I willingly accept.

"Lance, would you consider being my boyfriend~" His voice was pure and angelic like a song to my sore ears. My smile grows as I get up off the bed to go back to the party, I stop at the door for a second before walking out.


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