A/N - Answer Questions

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It's been 20 Chapters!! so you know what that means, answer time.

Question 1 - Do I plan on making a Sklance?
Well....yes. In the future I have thought about making a Sklance story. And many other ships.

Question 2 - When will you learn about Caspian?
To be honest, I have no idea. I kinda write the stories as I go, so at some point you will. Maybe, I'm not sure.

Question 3 - Who is my favourite character?
I thought this question might be a little obvious. All my stories involve the amazing Blue Boy. Lance.

Question 4 - Where did I get the inspiration for this and my other books?
My inspiration always comes from other people's stories. I play around with their stories and then add my own things into them.
It stays and changes in my mind for months and then I just decided to write it and published.
The end product is nothing really what they start out as.

Question 5 - Where did you learn to draw? Or did you teach yourself?
I did have art classes at school, but they don't really teach you HOW to draw. So I taught myself my style and drew something every day to get where I am.
I am telling the absolute truth when I say, I was once terrible at drawing.

Question 6 - Why did you end 'Wait...What? Omega?!' The way you did?
So originally I ended the story by killing off Lance in a heartbreaking way. However I went back and changed the ending.
If imma be real, I got bored of the story but I left it in a way that means I can't pick it back up.
I might make a sequel in the future.


Thank you to those who wrote in with comments. Sorry if I did not answer your question.

Your question can be about me as person, I don't mind.

I would love it if everyone could ask someone.

Comments Question Here ——————>

Have a great day or night 😊

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