Chapter 11

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— 3 Weeks Later —

Lance's POV
It's been 3 weeks since I was told that I would get booted from the team if I didn't improve. You think with that kind of motivation I would get better, but I haven't, not even close; I am worse than before.

I literally can't shoot straight, I end up almost hitting one of the others. I've been going up against Shiro in hand to hand combat, he is way out of my league, I can't keep up. After every mission or training session that I screw up Shiro takes me aside and gives me a well deserved punishment. And I always see that purple in his eyes. But I guess I'm just going crazy.

I'm so stressed that I can barely sleep because I end having nightmares. Blue and Caspian are the only things keeping me remotely sane.

Caspian and I have worked out a nice feeding schedule and I play with him as often as I can. A lot of things have changed for me in the past 3 weeks. Physically, my chest has grown a little in size and my hips have also widened a bit; giving me a more feminine appearance.
Alone with my breast growing, I have started lactating when Caspian cries. I feel like a real mamma.

This strange thing has been happening to me, I want to be around people constantly, I want to hug and cuddle with them. Not just in a friendly way, but in the sense that I want to feel their touch. What's even stranger is that I want to smell them.

What is wrong with me?

I walk down to the training room where we were told to meet for some team bonding. The tips of my ears start to hurt and all sound momentarily dissolves. Argh! This is soo annoying, it has been happening ever since Caspian came into my life. It is starting to effect me more.

Turning into the training room I see that they have already started.....great. I walk over to them and loudly make my entrance.

"Hey! Ya miss me?!" My hands are in the air in a dramatic display of fake confidence. Inside I am screaming at myself of how hideous I am.

"No fucking way" Pidge jokes, her tone I'd lighthearted but I take it seriously.

"Lance. Your training with Keith today. No weapons." I nod and move over to the black haired heartthrob. Shit. No, not heartthrob; headache, yeah that.

"You ready?" He asks me with his fists ready to fight. I too get into a fighting position, my lower back twinges and I let out a quiet yelp.

Keith looks at me with concern but brushes it off as I swing a punch. He dodges and then jumps at me, I move back and narrowly miss him. Keith grunts as he land on his feet after doing a backflip, god he's so amazing.

In my moment of admiration he lands a knee in my abdomen , the power he put into his kneeing caused me to throw up the little food in my stomach. The fight was ended as quickly as it began.

Keith's POV
I dash over to him as he lays on the ground clutching his stomach, vomit beside him. I pick him up and tell the others that I am going to take him to his bathroom. His body is unhealthily light; I know he is skinny but this isn't right.

I pull him into his room and set him down on his bed. It looks new and untouched, does he even sleep here?

He looks at me and I see that his face is softer than I remember, his bone structure looks more curved and his eyes have a luminous shine. He looks really beautiful.

"You can leave now." Wow, cold much. I sit down on the bed with him and he moves back.
I raise my hand to touch him and he flinched.

"S-sorry." He shifts awkwardly. Why did he flinch?
I have been so worried about him lately but I would never show it. I can tell he is so stressed from the team threat hanging over his head, it has caused him to become worse then he already was; not that he was bad in the first place.
He only has 1 week, 1 week to show any form of improvement. 1 week!

"Are you ok?" I ask, I can tell he is not, but I want to hear what he has to say.

He doesn't say anything, only nods; I'm not convinced. "You can leave now." Lance is not looking at me, I take it as sign to walk out.

As I leave, I hear him whisper in a soft and angelic voice.

"Thank you...."

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