Chapter 29

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Shiro's POV
Lance and Keith are in so much trouble when we find them.

The team, including Allura and Coran, have all tried to talk to the Lions and see if they know where they are but that they won't answer us.

"Argh~" I clutch the side of my head and lean back into the chair.

"Are you ok Shiro?" Hunk askes me with concern. I place both hands over my face and drag them down.

"Yeah, just a headache." I give him a reassuring look and it seems to settle things down.

There is a whoosh of the automatic doors and I see Allura and Pidge walk in, mind you they both look dead inside.

Allura storms over to the control panel and slams her hands down. "By Alfor's name! They are both in for it when we find them!"

I got up off the chair and my head started to spin, I see a quick flash of purple and everything goes black.


Keith's POV
"It's ok Lance, breath, breath." This isn't going well. Lance, Caspian and I were about to leave Blue and go talk to the other Paladins when he started to panic.

He collapsed to the floor and would get up , it wasn't until he started to wobble that I realised he was exactly breathing.

I should have realised sooner because Caspian was crying and curled into the crook of Lance's neck.

"Come on Lance, breath with me." I was trying so hard to hide the fear in my voice.

I don't know what to do, this Lance is nothing like the Lance I remember.

This Lance is afraid, he's depressed and insecure. The Lance I remember is happy, a jokester and confident.

I just don't know what to do, but I know I will do anything for him.

"Mamma~" Lance's unresponsive body switches into gear as he hears the voice of his little adopted child.

His looks down at Caspian and I notice that his breathing is starting to slowly return. Blue opens her mouth and I get the feeling that this means Lance will be ok.

"S-s-sorry...." I take hold of his loose hand and lightly pull his thin frame up off the ground, he leans against me still to shaken to move forward.

"Don't apologise, you have done nothing wrong." I steady him and we begin to walk out and down the halls to the control room.


We move slowly and I whisper gentle words to him along the way, Caspian plays with the string on Lance's classic jacket.

I was more then happy for him to wear mine but he said he felt at home in his; I couldn't argue with that.

As we neared the control room angered sounds could be heard from inside. "-he is with out a doubt, off the team!" Shiro spoke with a dark voice.

Beautiful Blue stopped in his tracks and I turn to look at him. His face was back to one of fear, his Galra tail hung between his legs like a frightened animal.

"T-This was a....m-mistake..." Caspian latched his hands around his mamma's neck and I keep my grip on his shaking hand.

"It wasn't a mistake, your Lance, the Lance McClain." As I said that something in him clicked and he began to stand straighter and plaster on his old confident smile.

At first I thought it was confidence but then I looked closer and saw a wavering mask. It was a lie, it was always a lie.

How did I not notice that the Lance I thought I knew wasn't real.

I had to approach this carefully. "Lance, please don't pretend. It will only make things harder for you later on."

He looks at me and I see the sadness in his ocean eyes. He drops the fake demeanour and takes in one long deep breath.

He steps forward as I follow suit. The automatic doors to the control room open and we both look at our shocked teammates.

We also see a very angry, purple tinted eyes, Shiro.

Hey 👋
Hope you like it so far.
I am heading back home from my little trip. Yay.

Sorry this chapter was a little shorter and a bit jumpy.

Some of you have come up with some good ideas in the comments and it is wonderful to see.

Have a great day or night 😊

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