Chapter 31

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Same picture as my A/N

Third POV
Lance and Caspian were both placed in separate pods. Keith, well he was a mess, he still growling quietly and he had tears streaming down his face.

The other Paladins were a little confused as to why he was the most upset about the situation and they hadn't exactly realised that it was Lance and they had no idea that the two were in a relationship.

Hunk cautiously moved towards his friend. "Keith you need to calm down." He had both hand up in surrender to show he wasn't a threat.

"How can I be calm when Lance is practically DEAD!!!" His breath strong and to be honest Keith felt like he was going to pass out because of it.

Pidge's eyes went wide, she had seen the resemblance but still. "....wait, that's Lance?!"

Keith knew that he would have a lot to explain, he would sadly have to go against Lance's wishes and tell the team everything Shiro did. It was for the best.

Allura tried to move closer to the Blue Paladins pod but Keith shoved her away. He gave her a strong glare and she backed away. Keith was acting very protective, but they wondered why?

"Keith I need to look at Lance's vital signs." With that he let her pass but stayed very close.

Lance was alive but barely. The pod indicated that Lance had tremendous blood loss and server brain damage.

Little Caspian only had a stabbed leg and a minor concussion. He was going to be completely ok, Lance on the other hand, Allura wasn't sure how much the pod could heal.

"The child should be fine, but Lance, I'm not sure..." She trailed off when seeing the heartbroken expression Keith held.

A painful silence consumed the room but it didn't long as Coran brought up a question that had been bugging him.

"Why does Lance look like a Galra."


Shiro's POV
I opened my eyes to see the bars of a prison cell, there was a reddish colour falling across my vision and I realise it's blood.

Breathing feels very difficult and my body is numbing. I bring my hand to neck and feel something important missing.

It stings as I apply the smallest touch, I come to the understanding that this is why I am finding it difficult to get oxygen into my deprived lungs.

There is no one around and not a sound. My vision is starting to fade and there is the sound of laughing in the back of my mind.

The laughing turns to whispers and giggles. They form into words that haunt my final breath in this life.

"Your a monster, Champion~"


Third POV
Keith told them everything that he knew about Lance's unique situation, to say that the team were in shock was an understatement.

How in the world could a child make someone change species and somewhat gender. It was just not possible.

Oh and one more thing, what the FUCK! Shiro raped Lance!!

None of them thought that their great leader would/could do something so horrible. He alway seemed like the one with a fatherly nature.

They all, except Keith, decided that they would go and talk to Shiro, to understand what had happened.

The walk was quite as they solemnly walk down to the castle prison cells.

The mood was sad and no one dared to speak in fear of setting of a floor of emotions that they were all trying to hold in.

When they made it to the door there was no sound from inside. Allura walked up to the little panel and opened the door to the cold room.

An off stench flowed around the small cell and in the middle of the floor lay Shiro.

Blood was surrounding his half chomped out neck and his skin was a pasty pale colour, his eyes were open and held a sad sorry look in them. He looked as though he heard something that destroyed his hope.

The Paladins covered their mouths in shock and all the trapped emotions exploded, none of them could hold it in anymore.

The wept for their friend who had experienced so much trauma and pain and they wept for their leader who had been consumed by the monster inside his head.

For the first time in a long time, the team let the darkness of war sink into their minds. Things had changed and nothing will everyone the same.

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