Chapter 21

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Third POV
Somehow. Somehow Lance found his way off the ground, somehow he picked him self up. And somehow he was gonna make things right.

His breathing was shallow and his mind was blank. The only thought that guided his footsteps was the thought of Keith.

Lance had fucked up and he would have to pay for it later, but for now he had to make it right; he couldn't loose Keith.

With hollow movements he made his way down the corridors, Keith would be long gone by now but he knew where his room was.

Lance's silky blue shirt was drenched with the sickening colour of blood and his skin was deathly pale. To anyone passing by Lance would look like a character out of a horror movie.



Keith's POV
I ran away like a complete coward, I left him on the ground; alone. Heck I didn't even give him a chance to talk, I'm such an arsehole.

My pace is rigid as I walk back and forth in my room, the lights are out and the door is locked.
I can't believe Lance would do that. No wait, I can.

He does this all the time, he messes around with people and their feelings. He always makes little remarks and does dumb things but never noticed how it makes me feel.

Like the time we had a bonding moment. He said said that it never happened, that what I felt....wasn't real. It hurt so much to hear that.

But then again, maybe he didn't cheat on me. He looked so sad when I said he did.

My pacing comes to a stop as I look at the pictures that kept in my wallet. There was a picture of my dad and me, my mum and me, the team and one of Lance I together.

A silent tear makes its way down my face as I see how happy we were. I stuff it back into my pocket and start walking out of my room.

I'm going to find Lance. No matter what he did I overreacted and I can't loose that happiness.


Third POV
Lance was still so far away from Keith's room, the Eurilian castle was so huge that at his rate it would take him the whole night.

The ache of his bloody arms were catching up on him, the scratches were really starting to sting. He whined out, wishing he was asleep in Blue with little Caspian.

There was a sudden tapping sound that was getting closer, on a normal day Lance would have freaked out. However he did not have any energy to do that, so he kept mindlessly stumbling to Keith's temporary room.

Lance's breathing became very shallow as his consciousness was starting to slip, he barely saw the figure beside him until he was up against the castle wall.

Shiro stood in front of the pale Blue Paladin, his eyes were glowing a bright purple and he had a dark smile spreading across his scared face.

"Sh-Shiro....." Lance's voice was slurred with exhaustion as he looked up with slight fear.

"..." Shiro didn't respond to him but instead licked up the poor boys neck. Lance's body involuntarily shuddered at the slimy contact.

"....w-what...are you....d-do-doing...?" A hand made its was up his slim figure, underneath his long shirt and up to his chest.

Delayed awareness came to Lance's mind and his red puffy eyes widened as he felt Shiro's other hand move to his pants. Lance went to scream out but the hand that was on his chest slammed down on his mouth.

No sound. No strength. No escape.

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