Chapter 6

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Just a quick drawing of what Lance's cockpit looks like.

Lance's POV
My eyes snap open and I look at my surroundings, I'm inside Blue. As if on cue, she lets out warm purr and wishes me a good morning. Morning?! How long was I out for?

I go to get up but feel something against my chest, I look down to see a Galra baby sleeping soundly. I smile at him and notice that he is drooling on my armour, I let out a quiet laugh as I pat his head.

His hair is soo soft, it feels like silk. I stand up and place him in my chair as I go over to the wardrobe. Who new that the lions had other rooms and housing.

I pull out the only pair of clothes that I own. I really need to get more. I take off my armour piece by piece and them hang it up on the spare hanger, I then pull my casual clothes on.

Across the room on the other side of the cockpit there is a messy unmade bed. Lately I have been sleeping with Blue because my room is cold and very lonely, Blue also wanted to keep a closer watch on me; such a Mum. I pick the little infant up and place him in the mass of pillows and blankets.

I tell Blue to look after him and I walk out, towards the the kitchen. I'm not hungry at all but if I don't show up I will surely get yelled at or a lecture.

I leave the hanger and walk down the empty halls. As I come to the door I can hear laughter from inside. 'Just as usual, they are happier without'. As if my body knows my thoughts, my thighs ache for attention. But I told Blue I wouldn't.

The doors automatically opened and everything stops, all eyes find themselves on me. I gulp feeling very uncomfortable at the attention, as quickly as the eyes were on my they turn away. For once I thought I wasn't going to get scolded, but I guess I was wrong.

"Your late." Allura was blunt and cold.

"S-sorry, I w-was busy." I curse at my useless self for stuttering. My hands are lightly shaking.

"What? Busy looking at yourself in the mirror." They all laugh at me having no idea what happened after the mission.

I walk over an sit down, Hunk gives me a bowl of goo. Although he hasn't personally said anything, he still laughs when they make fun of me.

I push and play around with my food but don't eat it, I'm really not hungry. Nowadays I'm never hungry and what's the point in wasting important resources on my worthless ass.

None of them notice that I am not eating, so get up and put my bowl in the sink, grab the space milk we found one day on a planet, and walk back to Blue.


I enter the cockpit and walk up to the infant, he is now awake and playing in the blankets. He looks up at me with a shining smile, I give him a smile in response.

"Mamma!" He says with exited burst. He reaches up to me, so I pick him up and do a little spin to make him laugh.

I plonk us down on the bed and grab my empty water bottle, I pour the milk into it and screw the cap on. Since we have the whole day off, I get to spend as much time as I want with him. I place a little bit of the milk on my finger a put it in front of his face, he sniffs it and then licks it.

His face contorts and he starts to cry, I don't think he likes the taste.

"Aawww come on, I'm trying to give you food." I say with a disheartened voice.

He lets out a yawn and that makes me yawn. My body is so exhausted, I'm always tired nowadays and it doesn't matter if I have had a good nights rest or not.

I take my shirt and pants off, leaving me only in my boxers. I think I'll just take a little nap.

I lie down and make myself comfortable in the fluffy pillows and soft blankets. I sit the little baby on my chest, his eyes are dazed as he curls up and wraps his tail around my arm. Once again he lets out a quiet purr as he falls asleep.
I smile at him.

"I think I'll call you, Caspian"

I then let his warmth drift me off into a peaceful slumber.

Sorry to those who read my other story, this Caspian is different; I just love the name.

Have a great day or night 😊

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