Chapter 30

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Lance's POV
We enter the room and I see the shocked faces of the other Paladins, then I also see Shiro stalking towards me.

Before I even had a second to think he pulls Caspian and I into the same room that I had been in the first time he had hurt me.

He shut the door and I heard it lock. The room was dark and the only thing that I could see was the glowing purple eyes that signified Shiro.

I fall backwards and feel him grab ahold of my foot. He yanks my leg and I loose my grip on Caspian, I can hear him hit the ground and start crying but I can't see where he is.

Not sure why I did it but I looked up. I looked up and saw Shiro's face illuminated my the glow of his eyes.

He was breathing heavy and his teeth were sharper then they should have been. I hear Caspian scream and I start to scramble in the direction of his voice, I almost reach him but not before I something slams into my abdomen.

Again and again the same thing collides with my stomach, each time getting harder. "Aahhhhh!!!!"

There is a frantic banging at the door and I know that it is Keith.


Keith's POV
Shit shit shit shit shit!!!
No no no no no no!!!

I let my guard down for not even a second and Shiro snatches Lance and Caspian right in front of me!

My fists are banging the door so hard that the skin is starting to go raw and red. The others are yelling at me but I don't care; I have to get that door open.

There is a scream from inside and I start to kick at the door as well. "ARGH!!!"

I feel someone pull me away from the door and see that Hunk is holding me back, he may not look it but he is extremely strong. "LET GO OF ME!!"

My legs are kicking all over the place and the others crowd around me. Their faces are unusually calm, they must not know what Shiro is doing to Lance and Caspian.

"Keith calm down~" Hunk's voice is one of worry but it's for me, not Lance. He is holding my arms tight against my body in a big bear hug.

"NO! I will not calm down when Shiro is going to KILL THEM!!!" They all look at me with confusion and there is another scream from inside the room.

I break free from Hunk's grasp and I bolt back to the door, my foot smashes against it but the door still doesn't open.

"What do you mean Keith." I hear Pidge speak but pay her no attention, I have to get my boyfriend and his child out of there!


Lance's POV
"-AAHHHH!!!!" My back hits the wall and I fall on the ground. I don't know how long it has been but I'm not sure how much more I will be able to take.

With my body already beaten and used I don't think it will hold. I haven't felt Caspian since I first lost him in this dark room but I can still hear his sadness echoing.

"You should be dead!" An immense pressure came upon my chest and I made the terrible mistake of letting out a gasp.

With the pressure on my chest I could no longer get air into my lungs. Salty tears fill my eyes and run down my swollen face.

"You should have bled out on the floor!" I faintly see a purple glowing hand move past me. A sharp burning pain spreads through my body and it begins to get stronger.

"P-p-pl-pleas-se.....cough cough....s-s-stop...weeze..." His eyes look at me and he smirks with a sadistic expression.

As consciousness slips away from me and my damaged body goes completely numb, I faintly hear him speak again.

"It's going to be so amusing when Champion sees what he has done~"


Third POV
Hunk was once again holding Keith down against his will. They all stood worryingly in front of the door.

Shiro had fried the panel so they didn't exactly have a way to get into the room and it was starting to make everyone panic because they could all hear the screams and cries coming from Lance.

In Keith's overwhelming feral like rage he started to change into his Galra half. His eyes had yellow consuming the white, he had sharp fang like teeth, his ears pointed and most of his skin was covered with purple.

To top it all off he was constantly emitting a deep threatening growl that sent shiver down everyone's spines.

"Get. The. Door. Open.." Keith's wild messy hair was covering his face and his head was lowered. "NOW!!!"

"We are trying Keith but it's fried." Pidge was too close to Keith and he went to bite her, he was like a feral animal. "I DON'T CARE HOW, GET IT OPEN!!"

Tension was high and the silence could kill, there was no sound coming from the room and that meant that everyone's imagination was running wild on everything that could have happened.

They was a small click signaling that unlocking of the door. Hunk knew better then to try hold Keith down any longer, he instantly let go and the half Galra sprinted forward ripping the door open.


He was met with an unholy sight, something that would make the other time look like a joy ride.

Blood splattered the walls in a dance of violence, Lance was half hanging off a table with mangled and smashed bones. His purple skin was soaked in the thick red blood that pooled out of his body. His face was swollen and his neck burned.

Shiro stood to the side, his Galra arm was dripping with the blood of the Blue Paladin. He had a glazed and empty expression painted on his blood sprayed face.

Keith charged forward and bit a small chunk out of the Black Paladins neck and then grabbed Lance. The Black Paladin fell to the ground, not dead but close enough to it.

His mind had one focus and was about to dash out of the room when he heard the small whimpers of little Caspian.

The small infant was underneath the table that Lance was sprawled out on, he had a shard of glass jabbed through his leg and a violently shaking body.

Keith gently placed Lance back down and then lifted the frightened child off the ground and Caspian hooked his arms around his pappa's neck.

Keith picked Lance's unrecognisable body off the ground and with the greatest of care ran down to the medical bay.

The others quickly followed behind, Hunk had grabbed Shiro and taken him to a cell far away from Lance. They all had a similar thing on their minds.

'What the fuck is going on....'

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