A/N - Answer Questions

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Back again with another set of questions. This time there is not as many as last time but that's ok.

Artwork me ——> @sketch_it_art

If you have any questions that you would like to ask me about myself or what I think of things, please leave a comment and I will answer it in the next A/N.

Comment Here ——————————>


Question 1 - Who's your biggest inspiration?
For writing? Or in general?
In general, I don't really have a biggest inspiration because I find inspiration in everything and everyone or nothing at all.
It really depends, I will take little things and ideas and mash them together.
I find inspiration in art and music, also emotions and quotes.

Question 2 - How do you deal with situations when people ask what kind of stuff you write?
Well.... 😅
I usually try as hard as I can to avoid the topic. I don't have any friends that have watched Voltron so it makes it hard for them to understand but they still ask.
I usually say that they won't get it or it is something that they wouldn't like at all. I also say that if they knew, it would make them question what the hell is going on in my head.

I just try not to talk about it. Yeah...

Question 3 - Why do you prefer Lance as a motherly and feminine figure in your book?
This is a little more difficult to answer because it's how I see him in fanon.
I always liked the idea of having a softer character as Lance. He always seems like the one that would be like a mother to others, he has always proven to have an unwavering gentle caring nature towards others despite him trying to hide it.
I love the idea of having someone who presents themselves as strong and overly manly to actually be 'girly'.

A lot of the stories I have read have this more insecure feminine Lance and I grew attached to the concept and the warm feeling that it gave me.

I know it sounds really weird but I am very attached to the fanon Lance and I bring some of myself into the characterisation.

Question 4 - Advise for starting/publishing a story.
To be honest, I don't think I am wise enough to give advice of starting/publishing a story.

What I did. After thinking and procrastinating over it for over a year I finally decided to go 'what the hell!' and just do it.

I thought. 'You know what? I have a story that I really like and I think that maybe other people will like it too.'
'It is different and something that I want people to see, I want to share something with other fans.'

It wasn't easy because I am somebody who had ideas and concepts in my mind, really intricately thought out but I can't every translate that down onto paper. It never comes out right. The stories I have written, including this one, are never what they exactly started out as.
However that is ok, just go with the flow.

When starting a story, just write what you love and someone will find it and love it too. It may take time but it will work out.

If you have a story that you haven't published, I say publish it. If it doesn't work out, you can always start again.

Hope some of this helped you understand me, it makes me so happy to see people taking the time to engage. 😊

This story is going to be very long 😂😊
30 chapters in and I'm not even half way. 😂

Hope you like it 😊
Have a great day or night 😊

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