Chapter 12

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⚠️LISTEN UP!!!⚠️
I have put an Update on 'Wait...What? Omega!?'
Please go look at it.

Lance's POV
As soon as Keith leaves, I scream in frustration and pain, I'm going to get kicked of the team with out a doubt.

He took me to my castle bedroom not Blue, I don't blame him because he didn't know.

I walk into the bathroom to splash some water on my face, I look at myself in the mirror, wow I look so feminine. I wet my face and grab a hand towel to dry off. I look back in the mirror and take a deep breath. 'It's ok Lance. Think of it this way, I just a few hours you get to see Caspian again.'

I step back out of the bathroom and bedroom into the hallways. I stuff my hands in the pockets of my jacket and limply walk back to the training room. My stomach is duly aching as I move my body, that's gonna bruise black. Something taps me on the shoulder and I jump 2 ft in the air, my heart leaving my chest.

Hunk is standing there in all his sunshine glory, his expression turns to one of confusion as his eyes scan up and down my slim figure.

"Have you shrunk?" He blurts out without warning. My eyes widen but then return to there normal size. I shrug my shoulders.

"No clue man. Maybe."

"Oh ok. Well Allura wanted us in the control room to discuss something important, just thought I'd come tell you." He's such a kind marshmallow, squishy and perfect. I want to give him a massive hud but refrain my new weird instincts from doing so.

We walk together but neither of us say anything. It's kinda awkward.

Hunk opens the doors to the control room and we make our way over to the rest of the team and Coran. Allura steps forward a begins to speak.

"We have been invited to the planet Eurilia, the King of the planet has said that we must stay for one week." A week! That means by the time we leave, I will be chucked from Voltron. "If we do this, they will provide us with resources and military power." Military power to defeat the Empire, I'll gladly step aside for that to happen.

Coran then moves to the front and addresses us. "We will be arriving tomorrow, so I advise that you all rest up."

With that, everyone goes to their bedrooms to get some shut eye, not me though, I go to Blue; to my small family.

Sorry for the shorter chapter.

Ok, so I need to vent a little.
So I my other story I was tagged and had to answer questions, one of the questions was Sexuality. I said that I no longer knew. I recently figured out that I actually like girls and I think I'm also demiromatic. I think...

I told one of my friends that I like girls and they were very supportive, it felt so amazing to just say it; but ever since I told them I have this crushing fear that it will all turn out to be a lie.
I don't have any trust in my own mind and I keep thinking that now I have said it, it will be fake, a false creation of my mind and I was crazy to tell her anything.

I'm new to the whole LGBT+ community and concept, so I guess I'm just afraid of something going wrong.

Sorry for annoying you and making you read this, I just needed somewhere to put my anxiety.

Have a great day or night 😊

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