Chapter 22

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Third POV
Shiro eerie glowing eyes stared into Lance's frightened half conscious ones. He ripped Lance's leggings off and discarded them somewhere on the floor.

He froze for a moment and his eyes flickered as he looked down at Lance's scarred thighs. His grip momentarily loosened as the red marks consumed his vision. Although it did not last long because his eyes soon returned to violet.

His metal hand traced up Lance's thigh and over to his crotch, his legs stung at the cold contact.

Lance shoved with all his might to try get Shiro's hand off his mouth. Although it did nothing, Shiro decided to move that hand to one of Lance's wrists.

He pined the smaller boys hand against the wall. Lance's heart jumped out of his chest, Shiro's metal hand took hold of his member and squeezed.

The pressure made him squeak, Shiro must have taken a strong liking to that because his eyes shone brighter.

With a flash the young Cuban was now completely naked. There was no time for him to comprehend what had happened because Shiro's started to attack his bleeding body with little bits and disgusting kisses.

The glowing eyes kept looking at Lance with each lift of the Black Paladins head. Lance was squirming and kicking, fear controlling his sluggish actions but it was all pointless.

Sharp broken screams echoed through the corridors as something large started to rip through Lance's entrance mercilessly.


Keith's POV
What am I going to say to him?! Oh god, he's going to hate me! Although, I wouldn't blame him.

The castle was chilly and empty, it made me feel very uncomfortable. I can't believe that I just left him there.

I decide on picking up my pace, something is telling me that Lance is not ok. It's too quiet....too quiet.

My hand fiddle with the wallet in my tuxedo pocket, and I start to jog. My feet clack on the ground as my need to find Lance becomes more desperate.

If Lance was still on the ground where I left him, then I know where he is. But if he has walked off, he could be anywhere and I have no idea where his designated room is.

I come to a cross way and I was going to run straight ahead but I heard a faint sound coming from the right corridor.

Something was nudging me that Lance would be down that way.
Instead of running, I thought it would be a better idea to go slowly because if he was down there, I wouldn't t want to make him frightened or angry.


The Eurilian castle is very cold in this part, they probably don't heat this ar very often.a.
It is very long and there are no doors to enter, so he has to be somewhe near.e.

As I move further down the corridor the sounds become louder and clearer. They sound like heavy breathing and choked....moans?

There was a corner up ahead and I made my way around it, I made my way around and all the blood in my body goes cold.

Lance was lying on the ground unconscious, blood was polling from his arms and onto the floor. Shiro loomed over him, both of themtark n naked.

Once Shiro notices me he looks up and I see his eyes are a bright luminescent purpl It sends a chill through me.e.

As if I wasn't a threat, he went back to harshly attacking Lance's lifeless lips and vigorously thrusting into him like he was a useless rag doll.

I couldn't bare to watch, with each movement my stomach churned. His cum and saliva coated Lance's slim frame. It was sickening to see.

I charged at Shiro with raging force, my mind taken over by blind anger; I sent him skidding down the hallway.

A low growl emanates from Shiro's chest but I am too enraged to be fazed by it. I slam my foot into his head and he roles over motionles I can see a dribble of blood go down his head.s.

Satisfied with the damage I caused, my attention turn beautiful blue. There is cum seeping out of his rectum, so much of it. I can't believe I left him. I'm such a fucking idiot!

I pick Lance up gently and start to walk to my room with him bridal style in my arms. As I am walking carefully I hear a whisper in the back of my mind.

"Bring my cub to me~" The voice was kind and warm, judging my the use of 'my cub' I assume that it is Blue talking to me.

I immediately change my direction and let Blue guide me down the corridors to her. I glance down at Lance and tears begin to wet my cheeks.

"I'm sorry Lance....."

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