Gavin's head

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I'm thinking of doing some chapters first person but idk. This one is though. The picture was made by: Where I am, there's no clarity

Why did Connor care so much? No one has cared like that about me. I'm an asshole.
When he tried to calm me down by holding my shoulders, I wanted to melt into his touch but something pulled me away, I don't know why...
I have to say sorry to him. I'm horrible. The worry in his eyes when we were on the balcony, that hurt me. I kicked and pushed when all he wanted to do was help. But, if I apologise.... He might tell Hank. Then everyone will know that I'm a fucking weak asshole.

I toss and turn in my bed. I can't sleep, this is stressing me out too much. I trudge to my bathroom and look in the mirror, God. My eyes are blood shot and I have scratches on my face from the motel scene. My hair is greasy and gross, I really need to wash it.
I take the cigarette from its packet and sit in the bathtub, I find this to the best place to smoke. I don't really know why but it's a habit that has stuck with me for 10 years now.
I check my phone and a notification popped up on my screen,

'Hello detective Reed, it's Connor. I thought I should have your phone number so we can talk about the investigation."

Great, now the plastic Prick had my number. Whoa.. I really gotta control my anger. But then again, he did text me at 3AM.

'Did anyone ever tell you that texting people at 3AM is really annoying?'

'Sorry detective, I thought you might have put your phone on silent until the morning'

'Fuck, Connor, call me Gavin. Detective is getting on my nerves.'

'Got it. Goodnight Gavin'

'Fuck off'

I felt like doing another chapter, even if it's short. My upload schedual is going to be definitely every day and if I feel like it, I'll do it twice a day.

BROKEN MENTAL (Connor x Gavin) detroit become human Where stories live. Discover now