mom and dad never asked for me to be alive- Gavin

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.... that's a long title.

Gavin's POV


Why was I so nervous about seeing Elijah? My hands were trembling at the thought..
The door opened and an android stood in the frame,
"Hello, how can I help you?" She said,
"Is Elijah here? We need to see him." I asked.
"Oh I'm so sorry! You're Gavin, aren't you? Elijah's brother! Come in, I'll go get him." Me and Niner walked inside out of the cold snow, I sat on one of the chairs and stared at the picture of Kamski. That rotten, spoilt brat.
"How does the android know you?" Niner spoke,
"Her name's Chloe. She was the first model ever. The first to pass the Turing test too. When Elijah was making her, he wanted someone to see what he was doing, so he brought me in to his weird hiding hole in the basement and showed me. She was lying on the table with no limbs, but she could still talk and so she saw me and Elijah tested her on me. That prick always used me for useless things."
Niner sat beside me,
"But if he hadn't of tested her on you, then she might of never passed the trigger test. We might of never even existed."
I snorted,
"Wouldn't that be great."
The door to the pool opened and Elijah himself burst through it. He rushed over to me and picked me up in a hug,
"Get the fuck offa me Prick!"
He dropped me and a smile spread across his face.
"I thought you were dead!" I Looked at him funny.
"Dead? What kind of things have mom and dad been telling you?" Elijah looked guilty.
"What else was I supposed to believe? I missed you so much! What happened?"
"I ran away."

"What?" He was shocked. He should have seen it coming.
"Really Elijah? Since when was I cared about? Mom and dad were always fascinated by your machines. They never even noticed that I had shot somebody by the age of 8!" I saw Niner's worried expression in the corner of my eye.
"You- you shot someone?"
"Yes I fucking shot someone! Big deal! He was a burgler! But everyone was so busy in the basement with your chloe that you were working on, you never heard the bang!" Elijah looked away.
"I'm sorry. You know I never asked to be the favourite child."
I was loosing my patience.
"And mom and dad never asked for me to be alive." I retorted. The air was tense. Kamski looked to Niner and coughed,
"So I'm er... guessing you want something?"
Niner nodded,
"I need to have the programmig removed so I can deviate." Kamski motioned for him to follow, they exited the room. Leaving me and Chloe alone.
"I'm sorry for my inconvenience. Gavin. But you really did help create another form of intelligent life." I ignored her and took out a cigarette, I breathed in the toxic air and relaxed into the chair. I scanned the room and saw a picture of Connor being made. It reminded me that he's just a machine. He's not built for love. Therefore he cannot love. Which means my relationship with him is pointless. He can't feel emotions, he's just a piece of plastic on legs.

"Chloe?  Will you come here for a moment?" Kamski pops his head around the corner. Chloe leaves the room and I'm alone once again. I hear faint talking, is something wrong with Niner? I wait patiently until the talking stops. Footsteps echo down the hall and when they turn the corner I see Niner being carried by Elijah.
"The fuck happened?" I barked as I dab the cigarette onto the posh table, leaving it there.
"He's fine. I think..... after I took out the programming he shut down. I don't know if he needs the programming to function properly or not." He explains. Chloe hands me a piece of metal.
"If he can't function without it, you'll have to put it back in. It's the middle part of his LED."

We trudge to my car and I help Kamski lay Niner in the back seat. I climb in the driver's seat and start tge engine.
"Gavin.. I'm truly sorry. I really thought you were dead. If there's anything I can do, just come by." He apologises.
"I can take care of my self. I'm in the dpd. Not that you would know." I slam the door and drive off.

BROKEN MENTAL (Connor x Gavin) detroit become human Where stories live. Discover now