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Gavin's POV

Monday 20th December 2038

I smelt coffee as I was regaining consciousness.  I opened my eyes to see that I was in bed in just my boxers. Had Niner undressed me? Ew. I chugged the drink: I hadn't drunk nearly anything today. I set down the empty cup and noticed that there was a note on it. 'Hank's asked us to look after Sumo while he's away. I'll be back later' great. I settle and play on my phone for a while.


I got bored of my phone so I left it to charge, I wandered to the living room and looked out the window. My car parked up and Niner stepped out of it; I waited at the stairs for him- not really caring that I was basically almost naked.
"Hey Niner." He jumped a bit, then looked me up and down. Was he checking me out?!
"Hello" woah. That response was cold. I rubbed my eyes- maybe I was hallucinating. I walked back to the apartment, glancing behind me I saw him staring at my butt. I'm starting to think not getting dressed was a bad idea.

Niner was acting weird. Like, he was basically interrogating my house.
"Nines? You're being weird." I stated. He stormed over to me and towered over me like he was going to tell me off.
"I'm an RK900. Built to be a DPD android. I don't know what you were expecting- but I'm not a maid or social interaction machine." He spat in my face. What the actual fuck. Niner was never like this... what happened to him? I cowered in my bedroom for the rest of the evening. Something was going on...

I sat hunched up on my bed, I need to have tougher skin for this kind of shit. I slapped myself again and again.
"C'mon Gavin. You're the asshole, so be that asshole everyone knows you for." I prep talked. I heard footsteps outside my door.
"Gavin? Dinner is ready." I reluctantly put on some clothes and breathed deep. Be an asshole be an asshole be an asshole.
I opened the door and Niner stood in front of me
"Get out of my way tincan." I shoved past him and ate dinner on the couch. It was pasta, made to perfection like always.
"What the fuck happened to you, did you hit your head?" I snickered.
"I realised that I have a task, and I'm not roaming the planet aimlessly."
"If you're really Niner..... then you wouldn't have that programme thingie that keeps you from going deviant. But, you are a deviant. Aren't you tincan?" Niner's face grew angry, then he walked over to me and put his knee between my legs and his hands either side of me on the sofa.
"I am a machine. And from what I have gathered, you don't have any education in computers. I was acting deviant because Connor  was around. I may be a deviant but I don't get distracted from my task and if Connor knew I was like this he would have me away from you." He moved away from me and took my empty bowl. I once again hid in my bedroom.


We arrived safely in Ohio, and I thought I would text Gavin.

'Hi Gavin! I'm in Ohio!'

'Oh cool.'

'What are you doing right now?'

'In my bedroom.'


'Collie, Fuckward and Stardust are in here.'

'Oh cute! I have to go. Bye I love you!!!'

'Love you too'

I smiled to myself, I'm glad we can still communicate even though we are so far away.
"Looks like we're here." Hank jumped out of the car and I did the same. We were outside a house, Hank's parents? Family?
We were greeted by an android at the door. We followed her into what seemed to be a living room.
"Oh Hank's here!" A young woman declared to a crowd of people. I stood shyly next to Hank as everyone said hello to him.
"Oh, umm. Everyone, this is Connor. He's my uhhh son." Hank introduced and everyone's faces were a mix of confusion. But then came the warm welcome.
"I know, I know. He's an android. But he's my adoptive son." Hank pointed out.

We sat down for dinner and I socialised with Hank's family. After everyone had finished, Hank went out with some of the family for a beer at a local bar. I was left with the rest of them.

I was sat in the living room with the chairs arranged in a circle. It was mostly women who didn't go but there was a teenage boys who stayed behind too.
"So, Connor. You're an RK800? I heard that there weren't many of you. Or any in the RK series."  A lady who's name was Violet asked me.
"Yes. I'm one of fifty in the RK800 series. I'm also a prototype." I proudly stated. We got into a conversation about deviants, that lasted for a while before one of the older ladies leaned in.
"You've really made a difference in Hank. He's been so boring since. .. Cole. But you must have some kind of effect on him, I can tell he really cares for you. He's so much happier now. Thank you." Everyone murmured agreement.
"Have you got any relationships?" The teenager suddenly spoke, in spite that he's been silent the while night.
"Yes." I replied. One of the girls gently hit his shoulder.
"Michael! Mind your own business."
"Mom, it's for an assignment about deviants." He turned back to me, "with who?"
"Detective Gavin Reed. He's my Boyfriend."
"I didn't know androids could be gay... thanks. That'll help me on the project." The kid grinned. The night went on until Hank and the rest came back, me, Hank and a few other people went to sleep. But I couldn't help over hear something.
"What do you think about that android."
"Well, he's making Hank happy."
"But it's pretty pathetic that Hank went to an android son for a last resort."
"He's gay too."
"He's gay?"
"Oh what do you care? An android can love whoever they want. Just like a human." That last voice was Michael's.
"Well I think it's got to go. I'm not having a gay android living here."
I couldn't think what I had done wrong. Why all of a sudden one of Hank's family members was against me? I didn't understand. I went into sleep mode while crying softly.


I had so much to do today. My bad if there's errors or laziness in the writing.

BROKEN MENTAL (Connor x Gavin) detroit become human Where stories live. Discover now