getting ready

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Niner sat with me while I watched daytime TV with a cigarette in my mouth. He had the same sentence Connor said to me when I smoked in the car - it just remindes me that Connor's programming is still in there,  and that he's still a machine. It makes me love him less, but I'm trying to forget the fact that he's an android.
"Hey Niner,  you a deviant?"
Niner furrowed his eyebrows,
"No. I am a machine, I have stronger coding that prevents me from deviating"
"Of course you would."

I got a text halfway through a Rick and Morty episode that I had kept.

'Will you go on a date with me?'

'Way to be blunt tin can'

'I'm guessing you don't want to then'


'It would be in 15 minutes'

'What would we be doing?'

'You'll see'

'OK sure let me get ready'

I rushed to the bathroom and showered.
"Detective Reed?"
"What?" I called out to him while drying myself.
"Is it OK if I stay here? I have nowhere else to go."
"Yeah whatever. I'm going out in a minute ok? I'll be back whenever."
I head Niner's footsteps go back to the living room.
I got out some clothes- a red v-neck top; skinny jeans, and a grey hoodie. Might as well look somewhat decent.
I stared in the mirror.
I slicked back my hair and proceeded to go back into the living room.

"Are you going somewhere special?" Tin can asked,
"You could say that."
Briiiing! The doorbell! I took a deep breath and opened the door,
Connor looked amazing, he wore a white button up shirt, dress pants, and a black blazer.
Sure, his clothes were just his uniform without the jacket, but he still looked handsome as fuck.
Connor gazed at me before I waved my hand in his face.
"Hey, Connor, let's go already, jeez."

We started walking towards the city, Connor glancing at me every now and then.
"You look nice,"
I blurted. It came out louder than i intended. He smiled at me
"So do you, Gavin." I smirked, maybe we have a chance together after all.
"We're nearly there. But I want it to be a suprise." Connor said while placing his hands over my eyes, now I'm really curious. He guided me through a door and instantly the smell of food filled my nose.

He uncovered my eyes and I gasped......

Cliff hanger!! Connor had been doing research by looking around Gavin's desk, but I didn't what to add that in because it would be pretty boring. Plus it adds suspense to what it could be.

BROKEN MENTAL (Connor x Gavin) detroit become human Where stories live. Discover now