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I put this video here purely because Neil sniffs Bryan's hair.


Gavin's POV

I put my hand on his knee supportively. His eyes watered and he looked ashamed. Like he had done something horrific.
"There was a man...." he started. I moved closer to him.
"He dragged me into an alleyway. A-and..." Connor burst into tears- not being able to finish the sentence. I grabbed his hands and faced his eyes to look into mine.
"It's ok. Whatever it is, I'm here for you."
"He raped me........" Connor buried his face into my chest, his tears soaking through my shirt. My mouth opened but nothing came out. I was frozen by shock- like I had just been hit by lightning. All I could do at that moment was cover him like a blanket. Protecting him from the world.
"Connor. Why didn't you tell me?" I finally said.
"I thought you'd hate me. I basically cheated on you." He choked out. I felt my heart shatter, he didn't tell me because he didn't want me to think that he was cheating on me. I kissed his forehead,
"Con, rape doesn't count as cheating on someone. I would love you either way." He gave me those damn puppy eyes.
"You still love me?"
"Of course I do. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you." I smiled. He brought my face to his and kissed me, lovingly. I kissed back and smiled into the kiss.
"What? Why are you smiling?" Connor asked.
"Cause, I haven't gotten a single kiss from you for a week."
We sat on the sofa, just enjoying each others company. Until the door opened and Niner entered the house.
"Oh hey Connor. I didn't know you'd be here." He joined us on the sofa.
"Hi Niner."
"Hey Nines." Of course I used his nickname that he loved so much.
"Why have you got stitches Gavin?" Niner brought up. I tensed.
"They're self inflicted."
"Yeah." We sat in an awkward silence until Niner got up and went to the bathroom, coming back with a bottle of pills.
"Since you already know I've been giving you pills in your coffee, you might as well have them. But you have to promise you'll have them every day, in the morning and before you go to bed." Niner trusted.
"Alright fine. But don't blame me if I forget them."


It was the next day, Connor had slept at my place but still didn't move close to me in bed, I couldn't blame him. It was where we had had sex and with all that's happened I think the last thing he'd want to do is get close to me in bed. Today we were going to a hospital for a sexual assault forensic exam. Connor had told Hank on the phone, he's probably even more worried then I am. Niner decided to come along too.

We parked at the entrance of the hospital, Hanks car was already there. We stepped inside of the lobby and Connor instantly got tackled with a hug by Hank.
"I wish you would have told me!" He complained. We checked in and then sat down.
"Gavin?" Connor was shaking.
"Don't worry. It's gonna be fine. I'll be in there with you." I held his hand in mine. I wasn't gonna lie, this wasn't one of the best days to be coming here- the pills must have worn off or something. I felt a bit queasy but I tried to ignore it for Connor's sake. He squeezed my hand- bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Uh, Connor Anderson?" A lady called out, searching the rows of people. Me and Connor got up and walked hand in hand to the examination room.
"Good luck Connor" Niner commented.
"Ok, Connor, just sit down on the chair, I'm going ask you a few questions." The woman said kindly. I sat down on the chair next to Connor.
"You're an android, is that correct?" She began,
"When did the rape happen?"
"Nine days ago."
"OK, well the average life of sperm is 10 days- last updated 2035. Before the incident, did you have any sexual intercourse or interactions?" She quizzed, I could tell this one was embarrassing for the both of us.
"Yes. The same day of the... incident" she looked in between us.
"So I know this is awkward but it was between you two right?" We nodded. My cheeks flushing a bright red.
"So would your sperm be in him too?" She asked me. This is getting awkward by the second.
"No. It would be the other way around." I answered.
"Ok. Sweetie can you lie down on the examination table?" Connor proceeded to lay down.
"Since you're an android, you can choose to be shut down for this."
"Yes please."
I watched her press the side of his head, his eyes closed slowly and he went limp. This was weird- it was like looking at a dead body.
"Can you help me by taking off his clothes while I get the swabs?"
"Uhhh yeah sure." I began with his shirt. As soon as I lifted it up I saw bruises. I didn't even know androids could bruise. I took off his pants and underwear, already I could see the damage in the anus.
"Oh thank you, I always thought it was a bit weird when I had to undress them. Much better when their partner is there with them." While she got on with the swabbing and shit I snooped around the room. Seeing various documents on different kinds of rape and stuff.
"You're a nosey one aren't you?" She spoke up.
"Heh, I can't help it. I'm a detective- it's habbit."
"I thought I recognised you, well more Connor. The deviant hunter. But I've seen you on the streets too." She made conversation.

The examination was complete and I dressed Connor back up, turning him on since I saw how she did it.
"C'mon we're done. Thanks doc. When will you have the results?"
"About two days." We said goodbye and sauntered back to Hank and Niner.
"How did it go?" Hank questioned Connor.
"It was just questions, I was shut down for the rest." We decided to take a day off work. So all four of us traveled to the park to just relax. Well. I couldn't......


Hiiiiiii i made art but it's not that good. At all. In my opinion. The jish jash signature is just a weird artist name.

BROKEN MENTAL (Connor x Gavin) detroit become human Where stories live. Discover now