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Connor's POV

I raced through the snow as fast as I could. I shouldn't have beaten him up- what was I thinking!? He's probably got a gun to his head right now.
"Connor!" I glazed to the right and saw Fowler jogging to me. Did I really have time for his criticism right now?
"It's important. About the RK900." I guess I did have some time, hopefully. I let him catch up to me and I listened.
"It was my fault it got destroyed. But you have to listen to me,"
"You know that relationships between coworkers isn't allowed right? Well when you and Reed showed affection I found out you were together. I couldn't just fire you- or Gavin even though he's a prick. So, I hired another RK900." Fowler paused and looked for a response.
"I'm sorry. I heard you all fighting in the office, I heard that the Gavin and the RK900 hooked up? That wasn't the RK900 you think it was. Soon after that happened the RK900 must've let the original go- was Niner his name? He didn't do anything- I'm sorry." I didn't believe it- I had beaten Gavin up for nothing. The other android must have been specifically programmed to be manipulative. I took off once again.

I bolted to his apartment and knocked on the door... it swayed open slightly. I cautiously entered, going into the living room... no one. The kitchen... still no Gavin. I decided he might be in the bedroom. I stepped into the bedroom... Niner's body sat lifeless on the floor, leaning against the wall so her faced the bed. I inspected him. There was a bullet in the centre of his forehead and thirium still trickled down his nose. It was strange- seeing a replica of me dead. The bed was messy with no Gavin. I smelt the familiar smoke from a cigarette, though. I walked onto the balcony and was met with a Gavin staring at me with wide eyes. He had a cigarette in one hand and was clutching an object in the other. He seemed as though I was about to hit him- holding onto the railings and wincing slightly.
"Gavin... I'm not going to hurt you." I said at last. He eased up but still kept his guard up. He threw his cigarette over the balcony and let it fall into the bushes.
"W-what do... you want?" He hesitated and instantly after saying it he prepared for me to hit him again. Had I really made him that scared of me?
"Gavin, I already said, I'm not going to harm you. I wanted to see if you were alright. After.... Niner." He had tears in his eyes again, how come he hadn't even reacted when I beat him up? And now he was crying about Niner. I wonder if he knew it wasn't Niner when he.... let's not go there.
"R-right. D-do you.... would you like any umm.... coffee? No... androids don't need to d-drink." He was so nervous. I reached out to him- who I could visibly see shaking. He backed away and shook even more.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, Avoiding eye contact. He crept slowly past and into the bedroom again. I traced him with my eyes, he was kneeling by Niner.
"Gavin? You don't have to be afraid of me."
"I.... I wasn't." He left to go into the living room where I followed. We sat on the sofa and I gazed at him; he still wouldn't look at me directly though.

Should I give him another chance? I don't know... he- he cheated on me, but he has no one else left. Maybe just one chance? Why not? Well, he could be suicidal right now. I hate to admit it but I couldn't bear to lose him.

"Gavin? Please, look at me." I saw him moving his eyes around the room. I grabbed his cheeks with both my hands and faced his head to me. First eye contact in what felt like forever.
"I want to give you a second chance. I still love you." His face turned into one of worry.
"Connor... I don't wanna h-hurt you again."
"You won't! I hope.... please Gavin. I trust you." I leaned in closer. Preparing myself for the kiss that he would answer with.
"No. I can't imagine sorry Connor, it's too much I- I can't. I'll be in my room if you need me." He got up and left me in confusion.

Gavin's POV  

I couldn't. I was still in shock from Niner's death. Connor would just add to the stress, I held the memory chip in my hand and traced it. It was cold but I made a promise that I'd hold it for the rest of my life. I closed the door behind me in the bedroom, sighing as I layed down on the bed. I heard walking down the hallway.
"Gavin please." I didn't answer.
"I love you, I'm really sorry. Just one more time- a try of our relationship again?" He said behind the door.
"Please. Connor just go." I ended. Then I hear from the front door close. He was finally gone! Jesus, I felt like I was going to vomit. I stared blankly at the ceiling- falling into a deep sleep.

Connor's POV

Saturday 26th December 2038

I sat sulkily on the carpet, unwrapping presents because we hadn't had the time yesterday. I admit that I had been drinking since yesterday- I didn't realise that androids could get drunk.  Hank sat on the sofa handing the presents to me (he knew I'd been drinking). Inside the first one was a new collar for sumo which I adored because it had little saint Bernards on it. I tightened it lightly around Sumo's neck and patted him on the head. The next gift was a hoodie that 'I like dogs' was written on. I continued opening the gifts and each one was great, but I couldn't help think that Gavin was spending Christmas alone. Not even Elijah was there.
"Why don't you go see Gavin?" Hank read my mind.
"You're OK with me seeing him?"
"Yeah whatever. It's Christmas- well boxing day." 


My chapters upload now! So it's still the same schedule, everyday. But it's a bit mixed up for the time.

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