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I really tried to find the artist for this photo but I couldn't find them 😢. It's awsome art though.

Connor's POV

I sit on the sofa with Hank, it's 3:40.
"You sure you're gonna be ok by yourself for two whole days?" He joked. I grinned and declared,
"I swear that I will keep this house not burnt to the ground until you return!" Hank shook his head and laughed,
"Deviant Connor is so much better." Sumo jumped onto my lap and licked my face, I cuddled into his fur and Hank soon joined in. We stayed there for 2 minutes before Hank got up and turned to me while putting on his coat,
"I gotta go now, Connor. Be a good boy. You too Connor." Connor shuffled off the sofa and embraced Hank,
"I don't know how I'll survive without you." Hank chuckled then went over to the door,
"Goodbye, Hank"
It was 3:58, I ran to my room and got changed into a sweater and jeans. They were the only other clothes that I had. I grabbed my beanie to cover my LED. I jogged to the bathroom and checked myself, yup. I looked human. The time was now 4:01. He was supposed to be here by now... maybe he didn't want to come after all. But then I heard the doorbell. I took a deep breath in and opened the door, Gavin. I internally sighed,
"I thought you weren't coming!" I said walking out the door and locking it.
"Fucking hell Connor, I'm only 1 minute late, humans aren't perfect like you androids." He explained, he then looked me up and down.
"I didn't know you were aloud to wear different clothes,"
"When I'm not working in the DPD I can wear whatever I want. But these are the only other clothes Hank had that would fit me." Gavin nodded then started towards the his car. It was a different one to when we were catching the red ice dealers.
It was a BMW X6.
"Oh and by the way, the passenger seat is on the left."
I walked to the left side of the car and got in.

Gavin's POV

Connor stared at me confused,
"What? It's an English car, I couldn't give it up when I moved to Detroit." I said,
"You're English?" Fucking hell, the one thing they don't give androids, accent identifier.
"Yes I'm fucking English." I started the car.

The drive to the store was silent, lasting 8 minutes. But when we arrived, Connor jumped out the car and ran to get a trolly (shopping cart). I shook my head, who knew technology would get so far that it would have the mind of a child.
"Come on Detective!" Connor pushed the shopping cart to the entrance, I followed.
When I finally caught up with him he smiled at me then ran off to get something.
He came back with dog treats, shaped into bacon.
"Didn't know Hank had a dog." I admitted.
"His name is Sumo, he's a saint Bernard."
Connor placed the treats in the cart and grabbed the handles again.
"Remember when you texted me last night?" Connor nodded,
"I told you to call me Gavin, not Reed.... or detective." I reminded.
"Oh, sorry. I guess I forgot."
After roaming through the store for shopping, Connor wheeled the trolly to a checkout Isle. Then I remembered I had to pick something up.


Gavin said he had to get something, so after i put everything away in the car, I waited by the entrance for him. Moments later he emerged from the doors and tossed the keys to me.
"You're driving," He told me. We got in the car and I started the engine, I didn't actually know how to drive a manual, however I have a software that does.
I heard Gavin rustling beside me, I peered over to him and saw him lighting a cigarette.
"You shouldn't smoke, Gavin. It can lead to all sorts of health related issues."
He rolled down the window,
"Does it look like I give a fuck?"
I stayed silent.

For some reason, when I Gavin left, I can't stop thinking about him. It's like he's stuck in my head. His eyes are fascinating, they're green with splashes of blue and his voice is like listening to.... something I can't describe. Am I feeling something for him? N-no. I can't be, he calls me names. He doesn't like me. But.. I haven't felt like this about anyone before. I don't know... I should ask Hank.

'Hi Hank, I have a question'

'What is it?'

'What is the feeling when you are fascinated by how someone looks or talks.. and you want to be around them even if they are being mean to you?'

'Jesus Connor, I think you're in love.'

'Thanks Hank. Goodnight!'

'Night Connor'

I'm..... in love? I'm still not sure. Maybe it's because I've never met someone English before??? This is hurting my head. I need to go into sleep mode.

"Goodnight Sumo," I whisper to him at the end of the bed. I lay down and sigh.

Sleep mode commencing.
Again, it feels rushed. At least Connor's finally realising he's in love.

Word count: 884

BROKEN MENTAL (Connor x Gavin) detroit become human Where stories live. Discover now