panick attack

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Connor's POV

Sunday 19th December 2038

Me and Gavin bolted to the door, I just won. Gavin was pretty fit for someone like him. Fuckward and Collie surrounded our feet, where was Stardust? I stepped over the kittens and found Niner on the sofa with Stardust curled up on his chest, he was in sleep mode.
"Is he dead?" Gavin whispered over my shoulder. I rolled my eyes. I noticed that Niner had completely cleaned the apartment, it's was spotless- but then what can I expect from an upgraded model. Gavin walked out onto his small balcony and took out a cigarette. I joined him on the railings, the streets down below were empty and the moon was on the horizon.
"Why do you like me?" Gavin took another puff of his cigarette.
"No one likes me"
"That's not-"
"I'm a waste of space. I might as well not exist."
"Gavin. Stop." I held his shoulder, he dropped his cigarette and suddenly started to shake uncontrollably.
"GET OFF ME! I'm not worth- no I'm not worth it. I-I should have.. have been fucking KiLlEd YeArS aGo- I.... Connor..... just kill me. Please." Gavin gripped the railing, his breathing was quick and shallow, the shaking didn't stop- in fact it might have gotten worse. I let go of him. In fear of making it worse. What was happening to him? I searched through my programming for an answer..... panick attack. I searched for what to do in this situation. I wrapped my arms around him in a bear hug, he resisted,
"It's ok.... I'm here. Shhhh" I whispered soothingly. He eventually stopped pushing me away; his tears soaked through my shirt but I didn't care. I couldn't believe he had asked me to kill him.... and he meant it. I knew Hank was suicidal, that was normal by now. However, it just seemed weird that Gavin would be just as much.
"I don't want to do this anymore." Gavin cried. He snatched my gun from my back pocket and aimed it at his head. Of course, it didn't work. There were no bullets- Gavin threw the gun back at me and left to go back inside. I stood for a moment. Had Gavin really tried to kill himself in front of me?  What if... the gun was loaded. I shook Niner awake.
"Gavin tried to kill himself." I said in a hushed tone. His eyes widened.
"He hasn't had his pills. But.. maybe he needs more than just pills. I'll book a therapist."

I layed down next to Gavin in his bed. He rolled over and smiled at me.
"I'm sorry." He gave me a quick kiss and closed his eyes again.


I finally got a good plot for the story. This was another filler chapter hence why it's short. The plot I have has probably been written in another dbh book somewhere, but I'll try to make it as original as possible. The first chapter of the ACTUAL plot will be finished either tomorrow or Friday.

BROKEN MENTAL (Connor x Gavin) detroit become human Where stories live. Discover now