you have to tell me

477 31 7

Gavin's POV

I arrived at the station, it was nearly 11pm. This better be fucking good. I saw Hank sitting by his desk; I strolled over to him.
"Oh hey, you're here. Let's go to the break room."

I sipped my coffee,
"So what did you want?" I queried. His face turned into a sad smile.
"I don't like you, you don't like me. But what we have in commen is Connor. Somethings wrong with him, he won't let anyone touch him- both even me!"
"Well, what do you want me to do?" I shook my head, I'm so tired.
"I thought you loved him! It's been a fucking week since you talked to him!" Hank complained.
"I thought you, of all people would be happy!" I shot back,
"Look, if anyone's going to get to him; it's either going to be me or you. But I've been trying this whole week to get it out of him. I'm starting to think it's something he'd only talk about to you." Hank concluded. I chugged the rest of my coffee.
"Alright. I'll try." I finally said. Hank patted my back as he passed, mumbling a few words- probably expecting me not to hear him. But I did.
"I just wish we could go back to when we were friends." I remembered back when I started the job in 2032, when Cole was 3 and Hank invited me to his house. We were partners. The reason I'm a detective today. When Cole died, it felt like I lost apart of me. Hank became distant and we eventually started hating each other for what happened. Hank and Cole were the only people who knew me, not even Connor or Niger know what I'm like. A happy, polite and loving person- that's all gone now. Me and Hank had a fight, a big one. Officers had to stop us because we both had the intentions to kill each other. Hank left the fight unharmed. On the other hand, I had been shot on the rim of my nose- just barely missing my head. Now I have that scar forever.


I decided to call Connor the next day, he tried refusing but I heard Hank in the background saying he'll drive him. I saw them pull up on the street, Connor climbed out of the car.
"Hey con." I greeted as he reached the door. He moved past me saying a quick hi. I looked past him and sighed at Hank- he gave a sympathetic look.

Connor's POV

I sat down on gavin's sofa. Why did I come here? I shouldn't have come here.
"What's wrong?" Gavin's sat down beside me. I shuffled away slightly.
"What do you mean?" I played dumb. He gave me a look.
"You won't let people touch you, your shaking and having these moments of fear, you don't speak to anyone. I know somethings up. Please Connor." He explained. I turned towards him, I couldn't help but smile at his puppy dog eyes; of course I stopped myself though. He was just so cute with his long sleeve sweater and shorts.
"Gavin I'm fine."
"If you're fine you won't mind me doing this." He wrapped his arms around me, I straightened up and franticly pushed him away.
"You don't like me. I knew it." He hung his head down. No I didn't mean it like that.... I felt ashamed. He just wanted a hug. Do I have to freak out every time people touch me?! I'm so stupid.
"Gavin, I didn't mean it like that." I apologised, I waited for a response but heard sniffles. I lifted his chin up, tears were running down his face and he looked broken. I instantly regretted pushing him away. All I wanted to do was hold him as tight as I could- but I couldn't. Something was stopping me.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I just.... I don't know."
"Is it something to do with what happened last week?" Gavin wiped his face.
"Gavin...... I- yes. But I can't tell you. You'd hate me." I admitted. He looked away once again. Tears threatening to burst.
"I just want you to be ok. I hate seeing you like this Connor." He fretted. I grabbed his hands and wrists- trying to make contact but he hissed in pain. I rolled up his sleeve, revealing a bandage and plasters all up his arm. He- he couldn't be..... because of me? I unwrapped the bandage. Rough Stitches poked out of his skin.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." He sobbed. I gently touched the Stitches.
"You..... cut through a vein? Cut all the way up your arm?" I denied the thoughts.
"I missed you so much. I couldn't help it. I love you." He leaned into my chest. Despite all the urges to tackle him, I instead lifted him up to face me. And I kissed him. Kissed him like it had been ten years, like it was the end of the world.
"I love you too." I whispered. He pulled back, slightly licking his lips.
"You have to tell me." He pushed. I breathed in deep. It was going to come out sooner or later.


I ordered two LEDS from China. They're gonna arrive in a week, I can't wait!! Also, holy hell.  1000 reads!? Ahhhhhhhhh!

BROKEN MENTAL (Connor x Gavin) detroit become human Where stories live. Discover now