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Connor's POV

Sunday 19th October 2038

I helped Gavin up pecked him on the lips before we greeted Niner.
"Hey, what's that under the tree?" Gavin asked, Niner grinned and said that it was a surprise. 
"I know I've already eaten... but I was thinking about going to this place across the street." Gavin started to get his coat on.
"It'll be fun. Plus they make really good food."
I shrugged,
"Sure. Are you coming Niner?" I tilted my head.
"No, thank you for asking though. I have things to do." He politely declined. Gavin grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.
"Let's go,"

Gavin and I journeyed to the restaurant hand in hand. However, Gavin's stress levels increased as we approached the building. As he reached for the handle is stopped him, bringing him back to the sidewalk.
"Something's wrong. Your stress is rising."
He shuffled and shrugged it of- trying to move back to the door. I grabbed his arm, pulling him back.
"It's nothing don't worry."
"Gavin. If it's nothing, then the stress levels are showing signs that you could be experiencing a post panic attack. Which will lead to a full panic attack."  I informed. His expression went blank,
"I invited Hank." He said, the realisation hitting him.
"I fucking invited Hank! What am I gonna do?!" I buried his face in my chest and shushed him.
"It's ok. Just act normal." I kissed his forehead. I held his hand and burst in the restaurant, I saw Hank at a table and he instantly glared at our hands. I sat down with Gavin on the opposite side of the table and kept his hand in my lap and gently stroked his hand to re-assure him.
"Hello Hank." I smiled.
"Yeah, hi." Gavin also said. Hank gave us one of those 'I don't like the two of you together but I'm going to pretend it's ok' smiles.
"I already ordered some food, I hope you don't mind." Hank put away the menu.
"It's fine, how are you?" I tried to make conversation. It seemed to have worked because now we were talking about cases,
"I bet you've never heard of the 'FBI OPEN UP' meme." Hank chuckled, I heard Gavin try to hold in a snicker.
"No, what's a meme? "
"You don't know what a fucking meme is? Jesus Connor. You've been living under a rock." Gavin finally joined in the conversation. He got out his phone and played a 'vine and meme compilation of 2018' it must be from when he was a teenager. Hank and Gavin burst out in laughter after every six seconds, I've never seen Hank and Gavin get along.... this was strange.
"I don't get your kind of humour." I lifted one eyebrow. For a few more minutes they quoted vines until the food came. It was chicken and waffles. A strange mix but still interesting. Everyone tucked in. It was incredibly tasty and I couldn't imagine anything like it. I savoured every mouthful. Then I had to go to the bathroom to check my LED, for some unknown reason I kept getting warnings.

Third person

Hank and Gavin were left alone at the table, Gavin went to reach for a slice of waffle but his sleeve got caught on the table and it rolled up- revealing his stitches.
"Gavin! What the fuck happened!?" Hank tugged at Gavin's arm, Gavin tried to pull away but Hank had already gotten a tight grip. His hands traced over the stitches.
"Not again Gavin.." he sighed, giving his arm back.
"Shut up."
"Does Connor know?"
"Yes. Why do you care?" Gavin snapped. Hanks eyes filled with sadness.
"Even though you're a fucking asshole and I know what you've done, you're still my son's boyfriend. And...... Cole liked you." Hank reminisced back to when Cole was in the operating theatre and was about to go under anesthesia, he was barely awake. Hank had only just managed to hear him say,
"Dad?  Where's uncle Gavin?  He... he promised he'd come to see me... it's my birthday. H-he didn't forget did he?"  Hank had been holding back his tears while he stroked his son's hair.
"It's alright, Gavin will see you when you wake up. He would never forget your birthday."

Gavin stared at his wrist.
"I- I" Gavin jumped up out of his seat and out of the door, Hank soon followed. They ran down the side walk until Gavin got out of breath. Hank caught up and coughed slightly at the running. Gavin was crying, trying to hide it from Hank. Then he felt an arm around his back and looked up to be faced with Hank.
"Just this once." He let go of Gavin and became embarrassed.
"You're young enough to be my son. And I know your parents treated you like shit. But you go messing with Connor, you'll never see the light of day again." Hank smirked and got into his car that was conveniently placed next to them.

Gavin made it back to the restaurant where he sat waiting for Connor.
"Gavin? Where's Hank?"
"He had to go. He would have said bye.. but then you do kinda live with him"
We paid the waiter and stepped back into the snow.
"I'll race ya" Gavin playfully ran towards the flat and Connor shook his head, eventually chasing after him.


This is the only thing I could think of to write. I'm working on an actual plot for the story right now so this was kind of a filler.

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