Cat cafe

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Gavin's POV

Connor uncovered my eyes and I gasped, it was a cat cafe!  How did he know? I knelt down and petted a tortoise shell kitten, this was heaven.
"I thought you might like it. I'm more of a dog person, but I went here for you."
I chose a table by the window, so I could stroke the cats that sat on the window seal.
"How did you know?" I queried.
Connor grinned and told me about how he'd looked around my desk and seen a picture of my childhood cat, Aries. A waiter came over to us and asked us what we wanted,
"Uhhhhh.... can we have a moment please?" I said and she left.
"What's wrong Gavin?" Connor looked at me concerned.
"Androids can't eat can they?" I guessed.
Connor smirked,
"There was an upgrade after the revolution. I went to cyberlife to have it fitted a few months back, it allows me to eat. But of course, I don't really need to."
Connor explained.
"Well then. What do you want?"
He called over the waiter and ordered a chocolate Sunday with strawberries.
"Uhhhhh. Can I have the fish and chips?"
I very englishly said.
"Do you like dogs?" Connor randomly asked.
"Sure. They're ok. I mean, cats are way better." Connor tilted his head,
"Why are cats better than dogs?"
I faced back to the ginger cat I was stroking,
"They're not dependent on you. But they still like your company. Dogs are so dumb. Cats aren't. Loads of reasons. Cats know their way back home instead of chasing things." I rambled. Connor nodded.

Connor's POV

"What's your favourite breed?"
"Taby." Gavin slightly winced at that.
"Why don't we talk about you?" Gavin avoided pushing the subject further.
"Ok, what would you like to know about me?"
"Why do you always ask so many questions?" He stated.
"I don't know." I honestly replied,
"Ok. Do you like video games?"
"I've never played them before. But I would like to."
Gavin smirked.
"Would you rather kill three orphans, or starve three kittens" I was taken aback by the question,
"starve three kittens. Why?"
He leaned back in his chair,
"Just seeing how robot you are."

The food came and Gavin immediately dug in. I was more cautious, I had never eaten ice cream before. I placed the spoon in my mouth and my sensors froze up.
"You alright there plastic?" I swallowed and then held another spoonful up to Gavin's face,
"Try some."
He hesitantly ate the ice cream. His face was red,
"It's good." He says, clearly embarrassed.

We strolled along the street after the meal. It went well, we talked about a lot of stuff after we finished eating. I want to make a move. I gently brush my finger on his hand and he glimpses at me.
"You can hold my hand. Prick." Gavin said, still trying to be tough. I grab his hand and pull him to the right where the park was.
"Where we going?" I ignored his question and lead him to a tree. I sat down and patted the grass beside me. He looked nervous.
"Are you ok?"
He looked away from me like he didn't want to talk. I shuffled closer.
"Gavin.... what's wrong?" I pushed.
He brought his knees up to his chest and buried his head in them.
I didn't know what to do.... I wrapped my arms around him.
"It's ok if you don't want to talk. I was hoping we could watch the water show that's happening on the lake, but if you don't want to then that's fine."
He tilted his head to look at me,
"Water show?"
"Yeah, with fountains and projectors."
He smiled.
"I wanna see that. Just let me go to the bathroom first." I let him go and tried to piece together if I had done something to upset him.

Gavin returned with two beer bottles in hand.
"Thought you might wanna try a drink."
I nodded and he passed one to me, it was getting dark now. I popped it open and took a swig.
"I've never tasted this before. It's strange."  I perplexed while taking more. Gavin scooted closer to me and I noticed he had been crying. Evident from his red puffy eyes.
"Sorry Connor."
"For what?"
"Everything I said to you about being a machine. I actually like you."
"There's no need to be sorry Gavin.... and I like you too" I gave him a wink.
I'm not going to be uploading as much, but I'll try.

BROKEN MENTAL (Connor x Gavin) detroit become human Where stories live. Discover now