the worst chapter I've wrote yet

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Gavin's POV

Connor was talking with Hank, Niner was sitting in a perfect posture and I was closing my eyes- I had a raging headache. It felt like my head was going to burst.
"Gavin? Are you ok?" Niner worried, I squeezed my eyes shut
"I think I forgot to take the pills."
"Gavin. I trusted you." Niner sighed
"I know, I know. Sorry."
He threw me over his shoulder.
"What the fuck are you doing?!?" I shouted. Connor and Hank stopped what they were doing and stared at us,
"I'm taking you home. You need your pills." Niner calmly replied. Connor and Hank said goodbye while I was placed in the car, we drove off back to my shitty apartment.


I'm sick so here's literally all I could write. My brain functions really slow when I'm sick so I've just been watching movies all day. Also I hope the new cover is good.

BROKEN MENTAL (Connor x Gavin) detroit become human Where stories live. Discover now