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Niner's POV

Monday 20th December 2038
4pm (before Gavin wakes up)

Sumo was a nice dog, I preferred cats though. I ruffled his fur and said goodbye to him; I got in the car to head back home to Gavin. I got stopped by a report though. Dpd has asked you to visit for a new case. That was unusual... the case would have normally been sent to me without going to the station. I still went though, it would be something to work on. I turned the car around, the wheels making a screeching against the concrete. I found the winter nights to be relaxing, snow floating to down like an angel's wings and it made for a soothing atmosphere.

The station was dimly lit and no one was in the office so I checked the terminal. I searched for anything on the screen, but I couldn't find anything. Maybe it was a  mistake? I should be getting home anyway. I stood up and went to walk to the door, something stopped me.... an error in my software. I was about to run an analysis however I felt myself get hit in the back of the head and I fell to the floor. My vision went black as I was being dragged across the icy tiles.

I woke up in a dark room, the only thing that lit it was a blue light, it looked like an LED. Was it android in the room? The lights flickered on and there stood an RK900, towering over me.
"You'll be staying here for a while. Don't make a sound. I'll come back tomorrow." The RK900 smirked and marched out of the room. What...... I didn't know what to think.  I'm tied to a chair and definitely not escaping any time soon. And that android... what was he talking about?  I needed to get to Gavin. I need to alert him somehow.... his phone! I immediately tried to contact him. It wasn't working. The coding was corrupted and I was slowly shutting down. I hung my head and let myself into sleep mode.

Gavin's POV

I stroked Collie, I already missed Connor so much. Niner was being a complete jerk. I might as well try to make some sort of a friendship with him. So, I searched for Niner (who was sitting on the sofa) and I sat down beside him.
"What are you doing dipshit?"
"Making a report to the dpd." His cold eyes flickered to me.
"Why are you here?" What kind of a question was that!? This is my house! My property!
"Fuck off." Niner pinned my forearm to the back of the sofa.
"I will not tolerate you insulting me. This is a warning, Detective." He released his death grip and faced back to the TV, even though it was a blank screen. My face heated up from the sudden contact. I tried my hardest not to cry, not to be the pathetic Gavin. Instead I threw a coffee mug at him which still had some caffeine left in it, the mug hit Niner's right eye and his face contorted into a threatening glare. I regretted my actions and made a run for my bedroom. I glanced over my shoulder at Niner- who was catching up fast- I kept going until I made it to my bedroom then threw myself onto my bed. I was lying flat on my stomach and already felt a presence behind me. Just as I predicted, he straddled my back and left little room for me to breath.
"Still feel like throwing your cup at me now? You know I'm going to have to put you where you belong." He got off me and seized me by the arms. I turned my head away from him which he protested against.
"Look at me." I shakily do as told just to be met with his hand colliding with my cheek. It stung like a bee sting. Fucking android.
"Don't try me Reed. You'll regret it." Then he dropped me onto my bed and slammed the door. I couldn't help but let a tear slip. Why did I have to be the one to put up with this assshole?  My phone started ringing on and vibrating on the night stand so I picked it up and put it to my ear. I could hear crying at the other end..

"Connor? Baby what's wrong?"

"Hank- Hank's family don't...*sniffle*.... like me."

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